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Article 13 Regulation of Residential Outdoor Lighting

1. Introduction.
It is the intention of this by-law to regulate the use of residential outdoor lighting so as to not unduly inconvenience abutters by having outdoor lighting shine directly into their windows or onto their properties. This by-law is enacted with the understanding that enforcement shall be based upon any complaint issued by any resident or property owner within the Town.

2. Regulation
In all residential neighborhoods, all outdoor lighting, including but not limited to: floodlighting, decorative lighting, lighting primarily designed to illuminate walks and/or walkways, driveways, flagpoles, outdoor living areas and/or outdoor recreational facilities, except for temporary holiday lighting; shall be continuous, indirect, and installed and/or shielded in a manner that shall prevent direct light from shining onto or upon any street and/or adjacent or abutting property.

3. Enforcement.
Enforcement of this by-lay shall be under the authority of the Building Inspector. Upon receiving a complaint in writing, from a resident or property owner in the Town, the Building Inspector shall enforce this by-law as set forth in the Fines & Fees Schedule of this by-law.

4. Fines & Fees.
A. First complaint / offense: A written warning stating a property owner / resident is in violation. Ten (10) days to meet compliance.
B. Second complaint / offense: $25.00 Fine. Five (5) days to meet compliance.
C. Third complaint / offense and each subsequent complaint/offense: $50.00 Five (5) days to meet compliance.