Variations, Tabblo, TechCrunch, and the first 113,000 users

Marshall Kirkpatrick of TechCrunch did a writeup of Tabblo today. It was quite positive.

He was particularly focused on our new “variations” feature. With that feature, one author can permit other authors to make a copy and “riff” on the original. For instance, check out my tabblo of Spy Pond Sunsets. There are a ton of photos there, and it is really busy. Say you think a couple of the photos are great, but you think I’ve made something that is too busy and cluttered. You can click the “variations” link (be sure to be logged in, or you can’t see the link). You can then start with my tabblo, but make it your own. I encourage you to do this – it’s a great way to get a feel for what our website can do.

This really points out one of the challenges we’re facing with Tabblo. We’re getting excellent reviews and return visits from people who actually try to make a tabblo. The trick, we find, is getting them to give it that first try. When they just look at it (or hear about it), they don’t necessarily get it. But once we get them clicking at it a bit, they see the usefulness. You can see that in the comments on TechCrunch: off-the-cuff negativity followed by positive reviews from people who tried it.

So, what does this new press mean for Tabblo? It’s positive, to be sure, but it’s not going to change our world. Brad Feld’s analysis of the effects of a press hit is a great read. (I am amused to note that the “10,000 user” question had already become the 53,651 user question in May, and today TechCrunch boasts 113,000 subscribers).

TechCrunch is a good review, and I’m glad to have it. But we have to build our business a user at a time. We have to win over the moms, the dads, the friends, the co-workers, the event organizers, and the gift givers with one good experience after another. We’re not going to build our business because 113,000 geeks checked us out on a September afternoon.