Wired magazine reviewed the popular photo sharing sites and Tabblo got the highest score – we even edged out Flickr! We got 8, Flickr got 7, Webshots and Zoomr got 6, and down from there. It’s worth pointing out that when Wired reviewed the video iPod, it got an 8, too. For Wired, an 8 is high praise.
It’s nice to get recognition like that, especially when work is particularly difficult. We’re pushing out two major releases, one next week and one the week after. It’s a lot of work, and a fair amount of stress. What aspects of new feature X are the ones that you have to fix, and what aspects will never be noticed? Did I spend to long trying to figure that out, when I should just have fixed both of them? The questions don’t stop. Even when you stop to write a blog entry.
The good news is that if Wired liked us last month, they will love us next month. We’ve got some neat stuff.
Tangent: I can never read Wired without thinking of the Simpsons:
============================================================================== > Quotes and Scene Summary {jp} ============================================================================== % Lisa sits on the couch reading the magazine "Wired" when Homer comes in and % takes it from her, thinking it is the magazine "Weird". Homer: Heh-heh-heh. I love their hilarious send-ups of hit movies. Lisa: Dad, it's not-- Homer: "Gigabyte"! [laughs] They've done it again. Gigabyte. Wait, this isn't "Weird"! [looks at cover] Why, there's no magazine *called* "Weird", is there? Lisa: [takes magazine] This is *"Wired"*. It's about computers and technology. [Homer stares] Hey! Look, there's a cyber-café opening here in Springfield. Will you take me, Dad, please? I'll show you how to order pizza over the internet. Homer: The internet? Is that thing still around? Bart: [walks in] I know a web site that shows monkeys doing it. Lisa: Bart, the internet is more than a global pornography network it's-- [Homer, in the car with Bart, honks the horn] Homer: Come on, Lisa -- monkeys! -- "Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo"