After months of hype and excitement, tomorrow Dice-K takes the mound. I’m really looking forward to it. Of course, I’m not the only one. Lots of people in Japan are going to be awake at 2AM their time to see his first pitch. Me, I’ll just be at work, trying not to be too distracted.
I got a kick out of this new Nike ad that’s running in Japan. It has all the hype and hope condensed into 30 seconds.
7 IP, 1ER, 1 BB and 10Ks? Yeah, it’s the Royals, but it’s still a very nice start to the year for the Diceman.
Yeah, it sounded like a good game.
These day/work games just kill me. I get all hyped up and I can’t focus, but the isn’t enough info coming in. I really need the HD and the couch. Saturday looks like a prime couch day.
From the Sports Guy’s blog of the game, it sounds like Dice-K could be Pedro v. 2.0. Same swagger, lots of nasty stuff. His fastball may not be as unhittable. Incidentally, a Japanese pitching coach said the Pedro has been throwing a gyroball (unitentionally) all along. Matsuzaka throws one too–yet another similarity. Maybe I’m just grasping at straws…
My prediction: Dice-K dominates everyone (Yankees included) his first time through the league. After that he settle into being one of the top #1 pitchers in the league. If Schilling can hook himself up to the juvenation machine and Beckett can realize his potential, that gives the Sox three #1 starters! And the Yankees trotted out Carl “200 million should buy more than this” Pavano for opening day!
Santina (remember, she’s a Yankees fan) is bemoaning the fact that Bernie Williams is not playing (apparently he refused to accept a minor league contract yet still hasn’t retired). I have yet to tell her that he’s been placed in the Museum of Natural History alongside the other fossils.
Too bad I can’t get many Sox games out here. There was nothing like settling into a game with Jerry and the Rem-dog after putting Jonah to bed. 🙂
Er…that’s Don Orsillo and Jerry the Rem-dog. Damn, I’m gone less than a year and my mind goes to mush…