I’m not going to vote for Ron Paul. He’s wrong on too many issues. Still, I’m glad he’s running. He talks about issues that make most candidates uncomfortable. They’re issues that deserve to be debated. The problem is, he also makes the press uncomfortable. He scares the press, and then they try to pretend he doesn’t exist.
Read this New York Times story about the Iowa straw poll. It tells you who placed first, second, third, sixth, seventh, eighth, and tenth.
Did you know that Ron Paul came in fifth? Only if you read it somewhere else.
Why is the main stream media blocking or boycotting Ron Paul. I am a life long Republican. I am also an Iraqi War veteran and disabled veteran. Is this America or a conspiracy state. He is the only candidate. The rest are all the same. I can’t tell the difference between Democrats and Republicans any more. I beg you please help Ron Paul save our great Republic. To me my friends and family he is our only and best hope. For our children for our future, we must have a tomorrow . The country cannot go on as is. I beseech you to more robustly cover this great American. Restorer of the Republic and possibly the last defender of the Constitution.
1. Sincerely,
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