4th Middlesex Special Senate Election
Environmental Candidate Forum
Tuesday, November 6 , 7-8 pm
Lexington Depot, 3 Depot Square, Lexington
Global warming, gas prices, deteriorating parks, toxic pollution – come learn more about the candidates for the 4th Middlesex Senate Seat (Arlington, Billerica, Burlington, Lexington, and Woburn) and their environmental positions. All candidates are confirmed (Donnelly, Marzilli, Murphy, Natale). This race, which inludes Arlington, Billerica, Lexington, and Woburn is to fill the seat of former Sen. Robert Havern. Sponsored by Clean Water Action and the Mass Climate Action Network. Event is free and open to the public. For more information, (617) 338-8131 ext 211 or bostoncwa@cleanwater.org