Harder Bodies Faster Stronger

I’m way behind in my blog posting. I have two FinComm notes meetings to post, a Finneran bashing, the latest in junk mail technology, and volumes of politics. But I’ve been so busy! Campaign work, real work, fraternity stuff, etc. has kept me hopping.

What do I do with a spare 3.5 minutes? Marvel and rejoice at how weird the internet can be. Safe for work, speakers required.

3 thoughts on “Harder Bodies Faster Stronger

  1. Dave St.Germain

    gotta love robot girls. there are better choreographed videos of that song, however. it must be the most-interpreted electronica song.

    btw, I used those lyrics for my career goals on my performance review.

  2. dunster Post author

    I noticed that there were a bunch of other videos of the same song, but I only checked out one or two. It was enough to remind me how fundamentally weird people are.

    Maybe next year you should submit your performance review as a performance art piece?

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