Josh, a colleague from work, pointed out this totally cool interactive display of Manny’s chase for 500 home runs.
A significant portion of my job is dredging pools of data for insights that we can use to change our business. After I dredge it, it’s equally important that I share it. It’s one of those no-brainer points: if I can’t tell other people what I know, my knowledge is useless. I find data visualization to be interesting and challenging. How can I quickly and effectively show other people what I’ve learned from the data?
The Globe graphic is more advanced than anything I do – I never try for an interactive display. I admire it’s richness. The more time you spend with it, the more you learn from it.
Hey Dan –
The newsroom did a really good job with that graphic (and it’s getting a ton of traffic).
Here’s a really good site I found outlining different styles of data visualization. You may find it useful.