The End of Wilkerson

Sen. Dianne Wilkerson appeared in court today on charges that she’s been taking bribes.  She already lost the Democratic primary and has been running a last-gasp write-in effort to retain her seat.  This headline should finally sink her ship.

I’m not at all sorry to see her go.  I’ve been a critic of her for years.  She’s been a classic big-government legislator, voting for regulation and oversight at every turn.  But, she always seemed to think that she was above the law.  All of those election regulations she voted for, they apparently applied to other candidates, not to her.

As for the criminial implications, I have a couple of thoughts:

  1. Will the charges inspire Mayor Menino or Councilors Charles Yancey, Sam Yoon, Stephen J. Murphy, and John Connolly to finally disavow Wilkerson and endorse the Democratic nominee Sonia Chiang Diaz?  Or will they consider to pretend that she’s a good representative for the City of Boston?
  2. I was always very suspicious of Judge Bolden’s actions in 2006, during the last election cycle.  He “lost” the filing of a legal decision against Wilkerson, and didn’t “find” it until after she had won the close-fought primary.   It always looked shady.  If Wilkerson is convicted of accepting bribes, it will make Bolden look even worse.  I wonder if the AG will take another look at that episode?
UPDATE: Suddenly the Councilors’ support of Wilkerson seems less strange.  And more suspicious.