More Alewife Leaking

I got an email from a fellow Arlingtonian with some video of Alewife in the rain; he’d seen my post about Alewife leaking. It’s a cell phone video so the quality isn’t that great, but the subject matter is pretty clear.

Is that column supposed to be spurting water? I can just hear Dan Grabauskas now: “If you see something, say something!” Dan, I say that Alewife is a dump.

3 thoughts on “More Alewife Leaking

  1. Pingback: Dan Dunn’s Podium » Sloshing Through Alewife

  2. dunster Post author

    Yeah. I can park at work for $5 on a motorcycle at Kendall Sq. $7 at Alewife now, plus the T fare. . . .

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