Sitting in the audience on Thursday night at the League of Women Voters debate, I was struck once again by Dan Dunn’s command of his job as Selectman. Dan is knowledgeable and experienced. He is comfortable dealing with the issues that arise on an everyday basis.
He understands that his primary task for the taxpayers is to keep the Town on solid financial footing. He works well with his colleagues, the Finance Committee, and our new Town Manager. He can handle the other Selectmen tasks well too, whether it is initiating fair taxi cab regulations, handling parking issues or dealing with licensing issues. He listens, is even handed, and lets his sense of humor shine through when necessary.
As a former Selectman, I know how important his intelligence and strategic thinking is in stretching the three year plan into a seven year plan. I want him on the Board to help unravel the complications of the Minuteman agreement before we deal with the cost of rebuilding that School. I want him to strategize the High School rebuild in the same thoughtful, fair way.
I hope you will join me in voting for Dan Dunn for Re-Election on April 5th.
Clarissa Rowe