Arlington benefits from Dan’s calm leadership and financial acumen

I write in strong support of Dan Dunn for Selectman. Of the three candidates, he brings the best analytical skills and financial acumen, talents he has used to aid our town through the past several years.

Although my political vantage point is as a School Committee member, it is on the Long Range Planning Committee where Dan really shines. He has chaired the group for the past two years. He brings to this job the same talents he displayed while a member of the town Finance Committee: an even-handed approach, a desire to understand the details, and a push to ensure that all in our town see the rewards of our mutual efforts. He actively solicited discussion around the growing school enrollment and was instrumental in working out a responsible solution, while ensuring that Arlington maintains financial health as long as possible.

He has dealt with the complex issues surrounding Minuteman Regional Vocational High School and Arlington High School in the same way. With both he has fostered a thorough discussion of the options. With Minuteman he has explored different ways we can achieve our vocational-technical education goals while decreasing the burden on our taxpayers. With AHS he has been on the forefront learning why and how we as a town will need tackle this rebuilding project.

I urge you to join me in voting for Dan Dunn on April 5th, so that he can continue his calm leadership to benefit Arlington into the future.

Kirsi Allison-Ampe
Governor Rd, Arlington