Just Because He Repeats It, Doesn’t Mean It’s True

It was announced today that Boston has extracted $2 million from Turner Broadcasting.  From the Globe:

Turner Broadcasting and Interference Inc. also issued a statement accepting responsibility and acknowledging that authorities responded appropriately to the publicity campaign gone awry.

Coakley and Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino said the settlement and statement show that police did not overreact.

“So I just have to say the folks who second-guessed us because we did go out there and do our work, shame on them, because it’s important that we did it,” Menino said.

The mayor and the attorney general need a logic lesson.  The only thing this shows is that you can get a company to say anything in a press release if it gets them out of a jam.

I understand the reaction of the first responders.  The incident points out some fallibilities within their operating procedures, but I can sympathize with why they are set up the way they are.

But Mayor Menino, Governor Patrick, Attorney General Coakley: please get a grip. You can bluster and blame, but it doesn’t change the fact that you overreacted.  Really, we’d think better of you if you admitted it.  We’ve all made mistakes.  But the way you’re clinging to this is just sad.

Shame on me, for second guessing?  Shame on you, Mayor Menino, for being unwilling to acknowledge that you made a mistake.