
Many of my better memories of my father involve performing, discussing, and recounting accents.  The root is in the family’s love of Bert and I (holy cow that link is good – listen, and then buy ALL of the CDs).  We listened to more than Bert and I, and explored all sorts of New England accents.  I still use New England Brahmin, Maine, and Vermonter lines as half-decent party tricks.  People say to me “But Dan, you don’t have an accent” and I quickly show them that I can have one when I want to.

Getting to my point: check out this site.  They’re collecting a kind of history of accents, time, and place.  It’s fun to listen to.  The navigation isn’t great, but there are highly entertaining rewards.

It brings up all sorts of questions about the effects of the web and globalization on speech and language, but I’m not going to try to tackle them.  At least not today.