Finance Committee – Senate Election Reserve Transfers

Finance Committee met tonight to review several reserve fund transfers.

The committee has vacancies in precincts 6, 16, and 17. There is one applicant, and a couple possible 1-year fill-ins. Deadline is December 1 for applicants. Also, the Exec Secretary job has been posted. Anyone want a part-time job?

There was a short discussion about the projected deficit in the state budget. It’s too early to worry and we have some flexibility.

The next meeting of the committee will be in January to start the budget cycle. Any other transfers will wait until then.

The selectmen’s request for $75,000 and the clerk’s request for $4000 to pay for the special state senate elections were approved unanimously. It was noted that more elections were likely to fill the 23rd Middlesex seat.

The treasurer requested $25,000 to pay for a couple of retirements. This wasn’t a big surprise; we’d denied the money in the regular budget pending the actual retirement. The committee voted to transfer $20,000 and push the treasurer to find the rest. The vote was 11-0-1; I voted in favor.

The Town Manager made a transfer request to pay for unexpected remediation at Buzzell Field. The original request was for $70,000. The capital committee convinced the manager to pay for most of it with funds remaining from the Reservoir renovation. $20,000 transfer was approved unanimously.

Al Tosti talked about the fire station location study. Summer St and Washington is evidently the ideal place. They are seeking an OK from the Parks and Recreation committee.

Park St fire station is still not occupied. There was not a clear update as to why there was a delay. The indication was that there were problems with one of the doors, and a sprinkler system problem.