Tweeting the Governor

I got an email Friday that Governor Deval Patrick was going to visit the CIC (a bit more on the CIC).  I knew the governor was on Twitter (I was one of the first 25 people to follow him @massgovernor).  So, I sent him a tweet and asked him to stop by! 

my tweet to the gov

I wasn’t the only HubSpotter with this brilliant idea. See the tweets here, here, and here.  When you worship at the altar of inbound marketing like we do at HubSpot, it’s natural to engage with opinion influencers.

And it worked!  A little after 2 a bunch of us were in the board room listening to a presentation when the Governor walked in!  We all shook his hand, and he spent a few minutes meeting with our founders, Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah.

We all formed up for a picture outside, and as he was leaving, we sat him down for a group picture.

gov patrick group photo

You can see me in the back row.  I snapped a few pictures as well as I could. . . but you can see there were issues. 

decent Patrick picture

Afterwards we chatted with some of the governor’s posse.  We confirmed that the tweets were the reason the Governor came – his new media people saw the chatter and figured that it was a good place to visit.  The visit got written up in a couple places, including Universal Hub.  It’s a social media success story – Twitter made it all happen.