2 thoughts on “Election Day

  1. Paul Schlichtman

    I am with you on two of three ballot questions. I also admire you for gaining information on BlueMass Group. However, I disagree on Question 2. My problem on 2 is that it doesn’t give us the election reform we would choose if we sat down and tried to make sense of things. We have a ballot question written by the Working Families Party, specifically to advance the WFP’s ability to operate in MA as they do in New York State. It’s too much of a special-interest agenda ballot question for me.

  2. dunster Post author

    I think the Blue Mass Group is like a lot of blogs – there are some good arguments, and there is some crap. It’s a good read, though.

    I note that you have historically been a strong advocate of the Democratic party. Question 2 would weaken the Democratic hegemony within Massachusetts. Are you sure that you’re not opposed to question 2 on that basis?

    You raise a great question, though. If we could pull off a complete election reform, what would it consist of? I’ll have to think about that.

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