3 thoughts on “Dan’s Voting Guide

  1. dunster Post author

    I’m going to vote no on Question 4. I didn’t think we should go to Iraq. I’m not happy with the way the campaign in Iraq has been run. But I’m not comfortable demanding an “immediate” withdrawl. There has to be a planned exit. After all that we’ve done in Iraq, it would be irresponsible to just get up and leave.

  2. doug stewart

    Why in the world is withdrawing from Iraq on the ballot? That sounds like something us silly Californians would do. Nothing fun this year – tax on oil companies (big surprise), tax on cigarettes, GPS devices for molesters (Orwell/Huxley, you choose), $40 billion (gulp) for roads, parental notification for abortions, $10 billion for levee repairs, and the usual education matters. Good luck “demanding” the federal government reverse military policy. Maybe next year you guys can demand the Navy to name its aircraft carriers after the Transcendentalists. The U.S.S. Thoreau has a nice ring to it.

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