Category Archives: Arlington

State of the Town of Arlington, 2008

Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Clarissa Rowe was kind enough to provide a copy of her remarks at the State of the Town delivered on 4/28/08.

Good evening. I want to thank Vision 2020 for making this evening possible and especially Jane Howard for her usual careful preparation for the event. I also want to welcome Town Meeting members back into this beautiful chamber for the Town Meeting of 2008. It is a momentous occasion for all of us town meeting members because we welcome our new Moderator, John Leone, to take the reins after 19 years of John Worden being our leader.

As every Selectmen before me, I would not be standing here tonight without the every day help of the wonderful women in the Selectmen’s office, Marie Krepelka, MaryAnna Sullivan, Fran Reidy and Jean Devereaux. They make our work easy and enjoyable.

And now to the State of Our Town:

The State of Town of Arlington is fiscally sound. We are entering the fourth year of the Five Year Plan. Our novel, five-year budgeting process is working, and we have kept our promise of not going back to the voters for another override. The budget numbers have not been met without strain however. The rising cost of healthcare has not stayed within the 7% limit. This means that our balanced budget has been funded by paying our employees less.

Our long-term pension liabilities remain unmet but we have begun to plan and put aside money for the important obligation.

I personally want to thank Town Manger, Brian Sullivan, Deputy Town Manager, Nancy Galkowski, the entire Finance Committee and the past chair of the BoS, Annie LaCourt, for their attention to the finances of the Town. I have asked Annie to continue to lead the Budget and Revenue Task Force as we begin our planning for the next five-year plan. We welcome our School Committee counterparts and ask them to continue to be actively involved in this planning process.

This past year, the School budget was especially tight because of their mandates, and working in partnership, the town transferred approximately $70,000 to help out the situation. We must think of the two budgets as one budget for the entire town. Education and Public Safety are what keeps and attracts people to our Town. Arlington’s children must come first as we budget for the future.

In the midst of a recession and a housing slump, Arlington is selling houses at a fast clip this spring. Our for-sale signs stay up for the second shortest time in the Commonwealth. That is because Arlington is such a desirable place to live.

Looking to the future, I ask that our town employees look favorably at joining the GIC. The GIC is the Group Insurance Commission of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. As you know, this decision is made through coalition bargaining with our town unions. While this kind of bargaining is new to the town, I firmly believe that this is the time to engage in it. We have the possibility of saving the Town two to three million dollars a year if the Town joins the state’s group.

In these times of fiscal uncertainty and constraint, it is time for us to look at ways to save the town money that go beyond our borders. We need to work with our town employees in this effort because they will have good ideas of where to save money. A recent example is the spring clean up at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. It was done by a private company and was the idea of Brian Sullivan and Jim Dodge, the DPW Operations Manager, a hard-working man with lots of titles but too little help.

Arlington is well served by its delegation on Beacon Hill. With the state’s budget problems, it is paramount that we have close communication with our representatives on Beacon Hill, and we do. We are being ably served by our new but veteran State Senator Jim Marzilli, and our house represenatives, Rep. Jay Kaufman, Rep. Will Brownsberger and newly elected Rep. Sean Garballey. I am also glad to see my friend, former State Representative Anne Paulsen in our audience. Her no nonsense style on the Hill was an important example for me to see.

While chiefs of staff don’t often get mentioned, I want to recognize the fine work that Arlington’s own Cindy Friedman and Thompson School’s own Mike McCabe are doing on our behalf as well. Their recent work on Summer Street is just one example of their dedication and commitment to the Town.

Beyond the fiscal condition of the Town, there are some accomplishments and some challenges that I would like to mention:

Arlington’s Cultural Institutions are Thriving. We recently celebrated the Arlington Center for the Arts’ 20th Anniversary, and we are busy planning for the tenth anniversary of the Dallin Art Museum on the weekend of October 17, 18 and 19th. Our children, like my son Nicholas, the sculptor, are inspired by Dallin’s beautiful pieces of sculpture.

Arlington’s Focus on Energy. In the next two months, Arlington will join the Town of Medford and the City of Cambridge in a year-long contest, called the Energy Smackdown. The contest will see which ten families can lower their carbon footprint the most. We look forward to watching this contest. It will educate all of us about how we can help our planet.

The Board of Selectmen adopted Sustainable Arlington’s Sustainability Action Plan last fall.

The Town has also joined the New England EPA to commit to being an Energy Star partner which means that we will

  • Assess the energy performance of all municipal buildings and schools
  • Set a goal to reduce energy use in buildings by 10% or more
  • Promote energy renewables to the town’s companies and organizations

Saving on energy costs will save taxpayers’ money.

Arlington’s Focus on the Environment. The new Open Space Plan for 2007 to 2012 will be formerly presented to Town Meeting later this spring. The plan is excellent and we thank the Open Space Committee for making it the best plan yet.

Arlington is blessed with wonderful parks, playgrounds, natural open spaces and water bodies. In the last decade, the Open Space Committee and the Parks Commission have done a comprehensive catalogue of these town assets and prepared excellent maintenance plans for the spaces.

Unfortunately, not all our open space goals can be met because our funds are limited. Despite this, the town wide stewardship or public private partnerships of our parks, playgrounds and conservation areas has grown tremendously.

This spring, the Arlington Friends of Parks will be formally introduced and will serve as town wide group to discuss the budgets and management of our parks and playgrounds, and raise money for special items. Anyone wanting to contribute to this effort, which will augment the DPW budget, not replace it, should talk to Park Commission Chair, Leslie Mayer, or our fine Recreation Director, Joe Connelly. Frankly, I think that our parks and playgrounds are in the best shape now than in the past thirty years that I have lived in town. Thank you, Open Space Committee, Parks and Recreation Commission and the many volunteers who have built the new Bishop School playground, or cleaned up Spy Pond Park, Robbins Farm or Menotomy Rocks Park.

In the future, we hope to have plans to turn Cooke’s Hollow into a beautiful, passive open space that might also become Arlington’s first cremations area. It could be our own Mt. Auburn Cemetery.

The Open Space Committee has been talking about a family trail and linear park along Mill Brook.

And who knew that the most popular vote the BoS made last fall would be the plowing of the Bike Path during the winter! It has been a fabulous success, and cost the town less than $3000.

Our land conservation efforts have great enthusiasm behind them – whether it is Elizabeth Island, the Mugar Property, or Great Meadows. Through the work of the Arlington Land Trust and the Arlington Conservation Commission, we hope to see these important areas protected for future generations.

Arlington’s Planning and Development. As you all know, we are beginning a redesign of Massachusetts Avenue from the Cambridge line to just before the Center.

The Arlington Redevelopment Board has begun a signage design program to aid businesses with their signage. The program is funded by some of our local banks. The Revelopment Board is also going to be installing some new streetlights, new benches and an energy saving trash barrel, called the Big Belly.

We are working towards a redesign of Broadway Plaza and as a first step, the Chamber of Commerce, the Garden Club, Derby Farm and some area landscape architects are working to put some new summer flowers in the four planters. Anyone who wants to help with this planting on the morning of Saturday, May 17th, should talk to me.

What kind of businesses do we want in Town? A major initiative this year is the undertaking of a business study for our downtown. The study will help us decide what kind of businesses we want in Arlington.

Because of the work of Town Meeting members, Sheri Baron and former TM member, Roger Barnaby, we sit in the midst of one of greatest restaurant zones in eastern Massachusetts. Now we need to figure out what else we need. What businesses would enliven Mass Avenue, and Broadway, and the Gold’s Gym area? If you have ideas, please talk to Andy West, our ARB head, and the other members of the ARB board. The Board of Selectmen will be working closely with the ARB during the RFP stage of the work and throughout its progress.

Historic Assets. We need to make more of our historic resources, whether it is the Jason Russell House, the Town Gardens that were designed by Frederick Law Olmsted’s sons, or our wonderful Dallin sculptures. Let’s get the tour buses to come to Arlington, and Lexington and Concord.

Subdivision Control. Also, a particular interest of mine is making sure that future development in Arlington happens in a responsible way, not only for the developers but also for the neighbors of the development. We live in one of the densest municipalities in the state so every development needs to carefully weight for its impact on its neighbors. We have an excellent environmental review process for developments that are more than six units but we need to seriously consider how we handle smaller developments.

I ask Town Meeting members to seriously consider adopting the Subdivision Control warrant article later in the meeting. The Board of Survey, which was initiated in the late 1890s, was a tool for that era, not this one.

Arlington also has serious challenges:

Summer Street and Symmes. Besides our obvious fiscal challenges, the Town has two mega construction projects underway and we need to assist the neighbors that are affected by these projects and bring the projects to a quick and successful finish.

The Summer Street project has been a nightmare for five years. We must continue to work with Mass Highway and the contractors to make sure that the Town is left with a roadway that we can maintain and benefit. We would like to reach out to our Disabilities Commission to try to work out a compromise that allows our residents to get some peace and quiet while also assisting those with disabilities. I would also like to single out the head of the Summer Street neighborhood group, Jeanne Leary, for her proactive and intelligent leadership on this issue. She is a new Town meeting member so I ask that Town Meeting welcome her.

Also, today is the first day of blasting at the Symmes site. We are bound to have a tough time this summer with the blasting and the rock crushing that will follow. The Board of Selectmen stands ready to help the neighbors get through this and we ask the Town Meeting members to be especially open to communicating with the neighbors and town officials about any construction problems.

During the last year or so, the Town has hired two terrific people who are helping the town with these projects and other new ones, our new DPW head, John Bean, and our new Town Engineer, Mike Rademacher. We thank them for their current work and hope that next year we don’t see their hair completely white.

Green Dog. The Green Dog program is also a challenge. After several dozen meetings, we have found that we need money for more enforcement to make the program successful. We will be working for another year to tailor a program that will work for all the areas where people currently walk their dogs.

Affordable Housing. We need to bring our percentage of affordable housing to the magic 10% number, and to assist in this we need to establish the Affordable Housing Trust. While the warrant article was not ready for this Town Meeting, it is my promise that it will be on next year’s warrant.

Flooding. Arlington continues to struggle with flooding problems, especially in East Arlington. The TriCommunity Working Group is having some success in looking at the flooding problems and getting solutions funded. The Environmental Bond Bill has money in it for the study and acquisition of another pump at the Amelia Earhardt Dam. The pump could help alleviate the downstream flooding. While we remain frustrated by the lack of maintenance of the Alewife Brook channel, we were also stunned to hear one of the DCR engineer’s saying that dredging the brook was a possibility. We will continue to push these issues.

Later this spring, we will be having a public meeting for the homeowners in East Arlington who will be affected by the changes in the FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, maps that show flooding in the area. The floodplain and floodway have expanded dramatically, and we want to make sure that the newly affected households buy the necessary flood insurance before the new maps are accepted by the Town at the Town Meeting in 2009.

Too Many Elections. Last August, when I was on vacation, I heard that our State Senator was resigning. His sudden resignation has cost the town tens of thousands of dollars. The five elections, with two more to come this fall, have continued to divide the town. The town was just beginning to rebound after a difficult year when the elections happened. Elections, by their nature, polarize people and these elections have continued this polarization.

That is a shame because we now have a new vibrant group of representatives on Beacon Hill. We are well served by them. I just hope that the two elections in the fall can be positive ones with the personal issues left in the background. Let’s have arguments about substance and not whether a candidate is “new” or “old” or “young”.

Board of Selectmen and School Committee Working Together. And finally I want to reach out to the School Committee to ask them to work with us on next year’s budget now, and on the next five-year plan now and at the Summits. I called Denise Burns, the new School Committee head, and we are discussing having joint meeting soon after Town Meeting to discuss our mutual problems and issues. I know that we can solve, or at least try to solve the town’s budget shortfalls if we work together.

Over the weekend, these hate pamphlets were dropped in several of our neighborhoods. Our police department is monitoring the situation, and our organizations, the Human Rights Commission and Common Threads, are well aware of these disgraceful acts. This kind of hate, whether it is paper or electronic, is unacceptable in our Town. Let everyone know, this kind of hate in not tolerated in Arlington.

Finally in closing, I want to welcome two people back to the body of Town Meeting, John Worden and John Maher, who have served us ably in their positions as Town Moderator and Town Counsel. I know that they will enjoy the spring as they represent their precincts of 8 and 14 as well as they represented the whole town. John Maher is only allowed to relax after the Selectmen’s articles, however. Thank you both for your service on our behalf.

Town Meeting ’08 Session One

Out-of-town readers: Yeah, it’s Town Meeting time again. That means you get more Arlington information than any reasonable non-resident would want. I’m going to try to deliver at least one non-Arlington post per Town Meeting post – something to keep you amused as I blather on.

I take notes during Town Meeting. They are not official in any way. As I listen to people speak, I scribble notes. I’m sure that, at times, I mishear or misunderstand the speaker, but my notes represent what I hear at the time. I then publish the notes every night after the meeting. I do go back and make a few edits as errors are pointed out to me.

I do not try to reproduce my entire notepad for this online version. Sometimes I relay a quote from a specific speaker. Most of the time I only summarize the discussion. At points I give a purely personal opinion; those are clearly labeled like this: Personal note.

I got to the meeting very late tonight. I was supposed to get in from JazzFest in plenty of time, but the low ceilings over Logan caused many delayed flights, including mine. Really, I didn’t need to spend five hours in Charlotte today . . . I didn’t land until 9:15, arriving at Town Hall just before 10. I’m sorry and disappointed that I missed some business tonight. Some things I’ve seen before – ceremony and swearing in, for instance. However, I’m sorry that I missed Selectman Clarissa Rowe’s State of the Town. I’m sorry I missed the opening comments from our new Moderator John Leone. And I’m sorry that I missed Article 5!

Article 5 – Sign Permitting. The article would change the criteria for putting up signs in Arlington. As I said, I missed the debate on this article, so I can’t report comments on it. However I can report on the outcome of the vote, and some of the related technical matters. Rich Carreiro posted this nice summary to the Arlington email list. Please note that I’m only posting an excerpt of what he said:

The ARB’s recommended vote received 122 votes in favor and 62 against. Since it was a zoning article, it requires a 2/3rds supermajority and therefore failed (by either one or two votes — I can’t remember if an exactly 2/3rds vote is a pass or a defeat).

When we came back from the break, the Moderator instructed the tellers in future standing votes to ignore anyone not standing in front of a chair in one of the main banks of chairs, because some tellers were (justifiably, IMHO) complaining about having to figure out who was and wasn’t TMMs amongst the people standing at the back wall of the hall. Note: I include Rich’s comments about legitimate voters because it comes up again in Article 12.

This lead some people on the losing side to complain and ask for a re-vote. The Moderator held firm and eventually pointed out that the standing vote already been taken, the only escalation possible would be if 30 or more people requested a roll-call vote. That didn’t happen.

At this point, a person (Dick Smith) who had voted on the prevailing side, served notice of reconsideration. Specifically, he said something like “I announce my intent to move reconsideration at a later, probably this Wednesday.” There was some confusion over whether he was making a motion to reconsider right then and there, but that was worked out and the Moderator announced that a notice of reconsideration had been served.

Presumably Mr. Smith will make his motion to reconsider Article 5 on Wednesday as he stated, but I don’t believe he is bound to that, and can in fact make his motion at any time before TM dissolved.

A motion to reconsider requires a 2/3rds vote to carry. If the motion to reconsider carries, Article 5 will be back before us as if we had never taken a final vote on it. If the motion to reconsider fails, Article 5 is dead for the year (the by-laws only allow an article to be subject to a motion to reconsider once).

I walked in just after the motion for reconsideration was proposed – I heard the questions about it, but nothing before that. I’m sure that Rich has this accurately described. There was a contentious debate; there was a very close vote; there will be an attempt to reconsider the vote. When votes are close, the losing side tries to lobby a few votes and change the outcome. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. It’s not dirty pool; it’s the way the system is supposed to work. Furthermore, anyone who cries foul because “people went home at the break” should reconsider their position. If you can’t show up at Town Meeting, then you aren’t counted. I say this knowing full well that I missed the original Article 5 vote. I’m not complaining that someone tried to pull a fast one by calling a vote while I wasn’t there. I’m apologizing for missing the vote.

Article 6 and Article 7 – Postponed. (Or maybe tabled – I didn’t have my notepad out of my bag yet).

Article 8 – Updating Regulation of Temporary Window Signs. Mr. West of the Arlington Redevelopment Board (ARB) explained the ARB’s recommendation. The proposal is to limit the size of the posters to 25% of the window and to require businesses with temporary signs to refresh the signs at least every 30 days. Paul Schlictman brought up the illegal flag-sign outside Verizon’s office; he made his point that the rule is unlikely to be enforced, just like the current rules. Cindy Friedman, through a couple questions, drew out the fact this would affect (prohibit) the signs that are common in the Democrat’s election office on Mass Ave, and Town Counsel Maher gave his opinion that the political sign element was unenforceable. Chris Loreti of the ARB spoke in favor of the change. I paraphrase him: “The ARB likes seeing windows. We want you to see inside the buildings.” There were questions about the $20 fee, and it was determined to not apply to this type of window. Evidently the fee is for more than 60 day signs. The funniest part of the night for me was this revelation: the $20 fee is not held in an account, or deposited to the General Fund. It is kept. . . . in a filing cabinet. There were a couple speakers against the article who spoke in favor of the property owner’s rights and decision making capabilities. I understand the motive of this. There’s an ethnic food store right near my fraternity house in Cambridge that covered all the windows with posters when they opened in the early 90s. The store is still there, and so are the original posters, now yellow, faded, and nasty-looking. A thirty day renewal cycle would sure make the storefront look better. But I’m not sure I want to prohibit these business owners from doing what they want. If the ARB had a really stripped down proposal for old posters, I might vote for it. The actual proposal is far outside my comfort zone. I’m not going to vote to limit political speech. I’m not going to vote for the 25% restriction. Furthermore, I’m unhappy that the ARB is saying things like “We like to see windows, and we like people to see inside the building.” That is a level of zoning that I do not approve of. The motion was moved, and the article was defeated by a voice vote.

Article 9 – Bylaw housekeeping. Kevin O’Brien explained a couple housekeeping updates. Approved unanimously.

Article 10 – Outdoor Restaurant Parking Requirements. ARB Member Bruce Fitzimmons gave the proposal. The change would permit restaurants to have outdoor seating without providing the parking spaces that would be required for permanent seats. It was approved unimously without discussion.

Article 11 – Shared Parking. ARB Member Bruce Fitzimmons explained that this would permit businesses going through an ARB environmental review the opportunity to satisfy their parking requirements through a long-term business arrangement rather than owning the parking spaces. The example given was that a restaurant and a bank might share parking since their hours don’t overlap. There were a few questions. One was about liability: the liability is not covered by this change and must be negotiated by the parties sharing the spaces. There was a question about whether the “signs were just the horizontal ones, or the vertical ones too.” The moderator explained that this was the parking question, and signs would be discussed in the appropriate point. This question was totally out of the blue. Anyone following the meeting understood that this question was way, way too late. As I heard it I said to myself, “Wow, she’s this clueless and she has a vote. I hope she’s generally more savvy than this.” She was sitting right in front of me and I watched her a bit. She had a heavy accent, and I was idly wondering whether the source of her confusion was a language problem, inexperience, or something else. I mention this because she reappears in Article 12. The article was approved unanimously.

Article 12 – Green Buildings. ARB Member Chris Loreti presented the article. He talked about LEED building standards. He said that this proposal wasn’t a requirement for LEED certification, just to require a checklist review. It only was necessary for ARB environmental reviews. The first question was how long it takes to fill out the checklist; Loreti did not know. This was the first question asked, and it should have been the first question the ARB answered. How can I assess whether or not to add a new requirement to the permitting process if I don’t know how much it costs? During the debate it came out that certification costs tens of thousands of dollars, and the checklist would be cheaper than that. That is not enough information. Selectman Annie LaCourt moved for a postponement because Sustainable Arlington was not present, and the motion was defeated. I voted against the postponement. If you want to speak to Article 12, you should be there for the first meeting. At the very least you should arrange a delay with the presenters. She explained that Sustainable Arlington wanted a stronger article, one with requirements to design, not just fill out a checklist. Tommy Caccavaro spoke against this as too costly for developers. Loreti defended the change as something that would just make the developer look at options, and not actually require anything. Selectman Clarissa Rowe talked about being a landscape architect and she saw the tens of thousands of dollars spent on LEED, and how she supported the article. She threw me for a loop. At first I heard her emphasize the cost and I was thinking “Clarissa Rowe, opposed to a pro-environment article? Wow, that’s unexpected.” And then I heard her support and I was confused. Eventually I realized “She knows it’s expensive but thinks that’s just fine.” A head-scratching speech all around. There was disagreement about how green or LEED-compliant the regular Mass building code was. There was a question about what triggered an ARB environmental review; the answer was long, but it involves the main streets of Arlington (Mass Ave, Broadway, etc.), large buildings, etc. but rarely regular homes. There were several comments on the cost of LEED certification and checklists. I wasn’t convinced this was a good idea. I need to know the cost. Some people thing this went too far; others think it doesn’t go too far. That would generally be a sign of a good compromise. In this case, I think it was a decision made in ignorance. The change was approved 103-38. Here is where our confused questioner from Article 11 comes in. During the vote, a woman (I didn’t recognize her) sitting next to the confused questioner (CQ, for short) asked “Are you a Town Meeting member?” CQ said she wasn’t. The first woman immediately told the CQ that the CQ had to leave the room – CQ wasn’t a town meeting member. CQ hesitated. Stephen Gilligan came by, counting votes. CQ finally stood up, and was counted in favor of the change! Again, the woman told the CQ to leave the room. The woman tried to tell Stephen Gilligan not to count the CQ, but I’m not sure if he understood what had happened. The CQ left the room. Whether the CQ vote counted or not, the actual outcome was not in doubt. But I have to wonder about Article 5!

Arlington Party on YouTube

I was pointed to some really random Arlington content today.

The first commenter on YouTube sums it up pretty well: “Micah you’ve really outdone yourself on this one…you strange, strange man you.”

How did I come across this link? This German guy emailed another German guy who emailed this guy who lived in Arlington who emailed to this guy who works for Microsoft in Redmond who IMd it to me. Weird.

Finance Committee – Warrant, Housing Trust, and Minuteman

Black text is mostly objective, red text is mostly subjective in nature. These are notes from 3/5.

The minutes from the last meeting were approved.

First up was the Capital Budget, discussed on Monday. The budget was recommended at $8,538,000. There was almost no discussion; we’d talked for an hour and a half earlier in the week.

Article 17 – Holding the warrant open until 60 days before Town Meeting. This was put on by the TM Procedures committee. John Leone and John Maher spoke. Evidently the Selectmen are agreeing to open the warrant in the first week of December and closing it in the 3rd full week of January. The article will be withrawn.

Article 44-45 – John Maher spoke about the destination of the OPEB funds. Maher repeated his statement that the only option offered by the special legislation was to transfer the funds to the Retirement Board. FinComm then voted a recommendation of no action on Article 45 (the article that would transfer the money somewhere else). As I previously blogged, I think we were outmaneuvered. I wouldn’t choose to give this money to the Retirement Board, but they won this battle when Town Meeting asked for the special legislation.

Article 19 – Housing Director Laura Weiner, AHA Board Chair John Griffin, and Town Counsel John Maher spoke about this article. The Symmes agreement includes a $150,000 payment to be used towards affordable housing. This would be the place to put it. There were several questions about the potential increased costs to the town: employees, eminent domain, management of property, and others. The goal was stated to be a “bank account” for affordable housing – when a developer wants to build affordable housing they could borrow money from this trust to build the housing. Several questions were asked about whether the trust had too many downsides – the general goal of bank account could be met through a regular town fund. It was stated that there are many towns using this structure, but they are mostly town who have adopted the Community Preservation Act. It was noted that there are several options for the Symmes payment; the money can be accepted and used by the town without this article. After discussion, the committee voted to recommend no action on this article. This article would erect a new bureaucracy with lots of potential costs and risk. The potential upside is small. There are three active affordable housing organizations in the town, including the non-profit Housing Corporation of Arlington. I strongly prefer that this excellent organization continue its work. A town trust would only slow things down and increase costs.

Minuteman – Superintendent Bouquillon presented the Minuteman budget. His presentation was consistent with what I saw in January. He talked about MCAS success, out of district students, recruitment goals, communication with other districts and towns, recruiting new members, program choices, and more. The assessment this year is smaller than last year, mostly due to a lower enrollment figure. I continue to be impressed with the Superintendent. There are a lot of things right about Minuteman, and a lot of problems. He’s not hesitant to address the problems and talk about solutions. The budget was recommended at $3,153,000.

Finance Committee – Capital and Budgets

Black text is mostly objective, red text is mostly subjective in nature. These are notes from 3/3.

The minutes for the previous meeting were approved. We started right in on budgets.

Town Manager – There was some discussion of the 1/4 position and how that should be classified. Much of the budget increase is in raise for the manager. Some of the budget should move to IT in the long run. Recommended at $460,000.

Personnel – Recommended at $190,000.

Assessor – It was noted that there is no revaluation article for this year, but next year might be $25-50,000. Approved at $301,000.

Next up was the presentation from the Capital Committee. The most important element of their presentation was that they assumed a renewal of the 5-year plan of some sort – presumably another override.

They discussed the Stratton and Thompson schools. They have met with the state and are coming up with possible revenue sources to do significant renovations. There is no rebuild in the foreseeable future.

They are considering a multi-department security system for next year. Field renovation progress was discussed. Cemetery needs came up. The fire stations are not moving. The “quint” is in the budget.

There was an extensive discussion of the projected costs of the Veteran’s Rink. The Manager still has not come up with a plan for the rink.

There was an extensive discussion about whether the current financial situation in the US affects Arlington’s ability to borrow. This is one of those questions that you never know for sure until you try to sell the bonds. But, I’m persuaded that it’s not a big deal. Most of the headlines in the municipal markets relate to variable rate bonds – Arlington doesn’t sell them. Arlington is a good risk, and I believe we will continue to find borrowers.

They discussed rescinding the authority to borrow. Article 60 was recommended to rescind $2,724,000 in borrowing permission.

Town Clerk – The budget was approved at $234,000.

Registrar of Voters – The proposed budget has an increase of $10,000 to cover the presidential election. This increase was well in excess of the 3% guideline. There was no backup documentation/explanation for the increase. The Clerk had been invited to speak to the committee, but declined. The committee voted to renew the invitation for additional information and table the budget.

Finance Committee – Town Manager and Budgets

Black text is mostly objective, red text is mostly subjective in nature. These are notes from 2/27.

The minutes were approved.

Town Manager Sullivan, Deputy Manager Galkowski, and DPW Director Bean were there. The first item was discussion of plowing the sidewalks. The Manager said that it would cost much more than estimated by Stephen Harrington. Director Bean spoke at great length and answered questions at length on the issue. This was not a fun hour. The DPW director went on and on and ON. He didn’t listen well to questions and then responded at length – without addressing the question. It was very frustrating. Still, the message confirmed my thoughts: don’t do this bylaw without a test run first. Mr. Bean left.

Sullivan talked about outsourcing some cemetery work and using the savings to hire a police officer. The recycling person has been on the job for a few months. This discussion doesn’t give me any more confidence that we know how to measure the effectiveness of this person. We hired them, but we have no meaningful way to see if it’s money well spent. The snow and ice budget was discussed. I asked about the pension budget funding, and whether we were overpaying by keeping it at 4%, higher than required by the actuary. The manager didn’t’ appear to have a strong opinion either way. Asked about the OPEB funds, the manager pointed out that the retirement board can get a better return than the town. This was an excellent point. I’m not thrilled with giving OPEB to the retirement board, but this is a reason to do it anyway. There was discussion of who controls payouts from the fund. He favored the POB enabling legislation; it’s good to be able to do it, but probably never do it.

He talked about union negotiations and arbitration for the patrolmen’s union. He talked about the GIC and answered several questions about it. He thinks that there is a large savings to be found.

We moved on to budgets.

IT: This is the first IT budget separate from the comptroller. I presented the budget (I had corrected a salary mistake, but forgot to note the mistake, so people asked questions, which I finally figured out. In the end I had forgotten overtime, though. Oops). I also spoke about the benefits we’re seeing from this change. Recommended at $526,000.

Comptroller: I presented this budget too. There were fewer questions, and it was approved at $384,000.

Finance Committee – Sidewalk and Schools

Black text is mostly objective, red text is mostly subjective in nature. These are notes from 2/25.

The minutes were approved.

Article 26: Stephen Harrington was there to make the case for plowing some sidewalks in town. He gave a presentation showing pictures of various curbcuts and unshoveled sidewalks. He showed a map of several miles of sidewalk that he thought should be plowed, covering Mass Ave, the schools, the senior center, and the connections between them. He shared information he got from Lexington about costs. From the figures provided, the cost of plowing the sidewalks would be $20,000 per year at most. There were several questions about whether the anticipated cost figure was realistic; some members did not think they were. I asked if this really was a bylaw, and if there was text available; it was, and there wasn’t. I also suggested that this might be better as a year-long trial, rather than a permanent bylaw. I think I would support a $20,000 experiment. Put it out to bid, see where the market is. If we really can do it that cheaply then maybe it is a good idea. My suggestion was rejected, and, to my mind, not reasonably. The argument against a trial seemed to be “we’ve waited too long, and morally we have to do this.” The argument didn’t hold water. If it is too expensive, we can’t justify it, period. We should do the trial and decide. The issue did not get to a vote before time ran out.

School Budget: Superintendent Levenson and School Committee Members Theilman and Spangler came. Levenson gave a presentation on the current budget draft. He spelled out the challenge of rising salaries and special education. He went into areas where money was being saved, where additional revenue was found, where cash accounts were drained, and cuts that he was considering. He talked about the challenges of maintaing class size when there are only 2 or 3 classes of a given grade in the 7 elementary schools. He answered further questions on special ed costs, special ed transportation costs. He was asked about the cost of Metco, and whether the tuition received matched the marginal cost of additional students. He talked about special ed “circuit breaker” funding from the state. He suggested that redistricting wouldn’t save significant money. There was discussion of whether and how special ed should get special handling, like health care, in the next financial plan. Kingergarten costs and potential savings from the GIC were discussed. I was again impressed with the superintendent. He writes and delivers an excellent budget. I was troubled by some of the cuts suggested. I think it is fair to say that the school budget is experiencing more distress than the town side. One of the notable themes: on more than one occasion the cost of having seven elementary schools came up. It showed up in things like class size – how do you divide 54 students? 2 of 27, or 3 of 18? There is no good choice. We would not be having this problem if we had fewer schools! The hour was late, and the meeting adjourned.

Finance Committee – TAC, Extending Pensions II, and Budgets

Black text is mostly objective, red text is mostly subjective in nature. These are notes from 2/20.

The minutes were approved.

Article 62 – Ed Starr asked that the previously appropriated money for the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) be “rolled over” into future years, not to exceed $15,000. He described some of the ways the money has been spent in the past. The committee voted to recommend the article.

Article 40, again – Joe Roselli came to speak again on the article after he heard that we voted against the proposal to award certain benefits to posthumously apply to certain pensioners. He said that he was changing the wording to say “widows” rather than “estates.” He repeated they history of this particular benefit and the many steps he and others had gone through to get the benefit. He finished with a plea to approve the benefit “if you feel it in your heart” when you watch veterans march in parades. The presentation was, again, rambling. The last time I asked him a question about how the scope of the change was limited, and he couldn’t answer. In his presentation this time he talked about “people who died since 1995.” So, I rephrased my question to ask him “How does this law treat people who died in 1994 differently from 1995? Where is that spelled out.” He couldn’t answer. He talked quite a bit in response – he went all over the place talking about judges and findings and the people involved in the story. But he was unable to answer this very direct question. This is an easy vote when the scope is unclear. The committee did not change it’s mind, and the original recommendation of “no action” still stands.

We moved on to budgets:

Selectmen: There was good detail on the costs of elections. There was some confusion about reclassifications and hiring and how it affected everything. Recommended at $250,000 (about. I forgot to write it down).

Legal: It was noted that Maher’s retirement buyout is not budgeted. Recommended at $460,000.

Lighting: Recommended at $418,000.

Reserve Fund: This is the fund from which the Finance Committee can transfer money to cover unexpected overruns. In recent years it has been complete drained, with the biggest chunks going to firefighter overtime, retirements, and election costs. The original budget called for a $450,000 fund this year, a $50,000 increase. A motion was made to increase it to $500,000. There was a long and interesting discussion about how to handle retirement buyouts, how to plan for them, and anticipated overruns. Some were concerned that by having a large reserve fund, it might have the effect of department heads spending more, knowing there was a reserve. There was also concern about how the increase would be justified. This was a good discussion. I’m glad we’re talking about these strains in our budget. They’re not the headline grabbers like special education or health care, but they really matter. In the end, the larger increase failed 6-9, and the $450,000 passed unanimously.

Finance Committee – POBs and more

Black text is mostly objective, red text is mostly subjective in nature. These are notes from 2/11.  I missed 2/6 meeting because of a work dinner.

Charlie Foskett chaired in Al Tosti’s absence.

The hearing for the assessor’s article is canceled – he won’t need the article.  Minutes were approved.

Article 74 – The committee heard and voted this article on 2/6.  It is related to reporting from the retirement board.  We voted to amend the recommendation made on 2/6.  I don’t have the full text, but I gather the result is a request, not a requirement, with some other language softened.

Next up was Treasurer Stephen Gilligan talking about bonding our pension requirement (POBs).  He brought Peter Frazier from First southwest. Gilligan is proposing that we request special legislation that would permit (not require, permit) the town to to borrow money and use it to pay down the pension obligation.  (Note, the pension obligtion is NOT the OPEB obligation – one is pension, the other is health care).  The crux of the argument is that the retirement board plans on a 7.75% return on its investments, and we can borrow money at maybe 5.3%.  That percentage difference would free up $6.8m (present dollar value) over the next decade or so that could be used on OPEB or other town obligations.

There was more than an hour of discussion.  The investment would be managed by PRIT.  If POBs are actually sold, it reduces flexibility for the town.  It is an increased financial risk. 10 towns in Massachusetts have the permission, but only Worcester and Brockton have done it.  Gilligan recommended against doing this for OPEB, only for pension.  This was an interesting presentation and discussion.  The Treasurer tends towards longwindedness and is not afraid of repeating himself to make his points.  Still, the presentation was an idea that was new to me.  I’ve been thinking about it and talking about it ever since.  At lunch the next day I told a co-worker what I’d heard the night before: “The treasurer wants to borrow $50 million and invest it in the stock market.”  That’s a gross oversimplification, but it got a laugh! 

I haven’t decided what I think about it.  I lean towards thinking its a good idea.  I know we don’t have enough information to decide if POBs are right for Arlington, let alone right for Arlington and right now.  The “right now” decision will be handed to the treasurer and selectmen – a big responsibility.  But I can certainly see the logic of the arguments.  How do we decide whether the increased risk is worth the saved money we keep in return?  I’ve heard the knee jerk-reactions that “market timing is dumb” and “the stock market is always a good bet in the long run.”  I reject them.  This is a very complex question that requires a careful response.

Afterwards, we turned to budgets.  $10,778 was recommended for the FinComm budget, approved unanimously.

The zoning budget was approved at $23,111 total.

The cemetary was approved on a 15-0-1 vote.  There was consideration that the outsourcing might not come back at a good price.

We decided to have a hearing on Article 7 about affordable housing trust.

Finance Committee – Retirement Board and more

Black text is mostly objective, red text is mostly subjective in nature. These are notes from 2/4.

The minutes were approved. It was noted that we’re approximately $125,000 over budget for snow and ice removal.

John Bilafer, Joe Roselli, and Larry Greco came to discuss a series of articles related to retirement.

Article 39 – This article is to give cost of living increases (COLAs) to children of deceased retirees who had accidental death benefits. The town has been doing this for a number of years but was notified last year that it did not have the legal authority to do so. The total cost is approximately $1900. This was easy to support. It was very small money, a reasonable request, and basically administrative. The article was recommended unanimously.

Article 40 – This article would increase benefits to the estates of veterans who were disabled while working for the town who died before 2005. Joe Roselli spoke at length in favor of this article. He explained that he and others had worked for a long time to make this benefit available to all veterans (disabled pensioners had been excluded before 2005). There were many questions as the committee tried to unravel the proposal. Greco had an estimated cost of $100,000, but his numbers only included extending the benefit to living widow(er)s. The text of the article appeared to include all estates, not just living beneficiaries. This was a painful presentation. It was very disjointed. Roselli insisted on retelling parts of the story over and over, and they didn’t appear to relate to the issue at hand. Bilafer and Greco appeared to be uncomfortable with some of the claims Roselli was making and Greco corrected him more than once. None of them could answer what the scope of the article was – it wasn’t clear how many people this would apply to. Not least, Roselli was unable to make a convincing argument why this pension benefit should be made retroactive. I’m firmly opposed to the text as it stands. If the scope is corrected I’ll take another look, but I’m skeptical that the benefit should be applied rectroactivel. The committee unanimously voted a recommendation of no action.

Article 41 – Increase in benefits to 25-year retirees. It’s approved annually. This year is approximately $24,000. It was approved unanimously.

Article 42 – OPEB. This article would transfer the money saved thus far for the OPEB obligation to the account created by special legislation. The funds would be under the retirement board. There was question and discussion about whether it could be the treasurer instead. Bilafer believe that would require more special legislation. Alan Jones asked if the retirement board would agree to annual reporting to Town Meeting, and Bilafer said it would. Dean Carman noted that the teachers’ have money in OPEB, but no seat on the retirement board. Bilafer noted that employees will have to contribute to OPEB in some way, and that the state pension board, PRIT, doesn’t have the authority to invest OPEB funds. I believe I have been out-maneuvered! If I had my choice, this money would not be managed by the retirement board. I disagree with their strategies, policies, and investment choices. But this particular battle was won when the special legislation was written – and I didnt’ see it coming. Well, the OPEB issue is far from resolved. There will be other opportunities to direct the investments. The article was tabled, as was article 43.

Article 15 – Notification for Abutters. Jeanne Leary was there to explain why she wanted to increase the abutter notifications of town actions. She talked about the challenges she’s had learning about Symmes construction, Summer St. construction, and dog parks. The committee was strongly opposed to this. The text would require all sorts of notifications that would be very difficult to administer. I think the questions started a bit harshly, but by the end I think she was getting good, constructive criticism that she can use to modify the proposal. The article was tabled.

There was a discussion about data display using a projector.