I’m biking to work tomorrow, but I won’t be in the convoy. 6:45AM is . . . not my cup of tea.
More info from the City of Boston.
July 25 and August 22
WHAT: SAFE, GUIDED CONVOYS WITH POLICE ESCORT Lead by experienced cyclists and escorted by Boston Police, convoys follow a fixed schedule and route and originate at locations throughout metro-Boston. All convoys finish at City Hall Plaza Boston.
FREE BREAKFAST, BIKE EXPO AND MUSIC Whether you ride in with a convoy or ride along, join us at Boston City Hall for free food and fun, courtesy of 100.7 WZLX, Mass Commute, Mass Bike, and all our sponsors.
DATE: July 25th and August 22nd. Rain or shine.
6:45 AM Meet at convoy start. See locations below.
7:00 AM Convoys depart. See locations below.
7:30-8:30 AM Convoys arrive City Hall Plz, Boston.
8:00-10:00 AM Free breakfast & fun. City Hall Plz, Boston.WHERE: Rides start from various locations in metro-Boston. Cyclists can join the convoy at start location, or at any point along the route. See map for locations and times. Police escorts only available within Boston.
Newton, Brookline, Watertown
Lexington, Arlington, Somerville, Cambridge
West Roxbury, Roslindale
Brighton, Allston
Jamaica Plain