Category Archives: Humor

Investment Advice from Lottery Winners

Commonwealth Magazine continues to be the most well-written, well-investigated publication covering Massachusetts.

An article in the Winter edition described how the state is making extra money when lottery winners take a smaller lump-sum payout rather than the per-year option.  Why would these winners leave money on the table?  “Our players were not doing very well on the open market.”

It’s almost as if she’s suggesting that people who play the lottery are bad at making decisions about money . . . .

Zombie Alert System Testing Fine

Universal Hub remains my best blog read of the day.  Sometimes I feel silly reposting the best-of-UH, but until my friends tell me they’re reading UH too, I’ll keep passing on these gems.  Earlier in the week, UH shared this exchange on Twitter:








Someone in the police department has retained their sense of humor.

Truth in Advertising

Found via Jay and idly.

I actually drive an American car, so I don’t think they’re all shitty.  But the point stands.  When I work for a company that can’t sell enough product to stay alive, I expect the company to go bankrupt and I expect to lose my job.  Seems straightforward enough to me.

HubSpot Says: You Oughta Know Inbound Marketing

HubSpot takes me back to 1995 with their remake of Alanis Morrissette’s “You Oughta Know.”  This time, it’s not the cries of a jilted lover, but the desperate pleas of the cold-calling salesperson.  HubSpot is all about having your customers find you, rather than you having to find your customers.

Anyway, the video is wicked funny.  Universal Hub picked it up already!  Once you’ve watched it, be sure to send the link to your friends (

See You At the Debates, Bitches

I’m pretty much the last person in the world you’d expect to put Paris Hilton on my blog. But this is actually funny.