A week without a post. Ugh! Here are the excuses, perhaps as a form of update:
- I’ve been spending a lot of time at Lambda Phi of Alpha Delta Phi. I’m delighted to report they got 19 pledges.
- A fair amount of time at work. Finished Sprint 2, kicked off Sprint 3.
- Three Red Sox games, only one of which was a win. I may have the worst Sox home record in the entire city this year.
- Saw Donna the Buffalo at Paradise. My review: Meh. And how could they not play Positive Friction?
My one creative output this week was a post on the HubSpot blog about Yammer. A few thousand people read that blog; I haven’t written for an audience that size since I wrote for The Tech.
Writing about Yammer was pretty easy for me. Yammer is trying to solve a problem that Abuzz and eRoom were trying to solve, and IMlogic was managing the same type of corporate messaging. I could talk for hours about corporate knowledge management/messaging. Then my audience would lapse into a protective coma.