Category Archives: Town Meeting ’16

Town Meeting ’16 – Session 7

I take notes during Town Meeting. They are not official in any way. As I listen to people speak, I type notes. I’m sure that, at times, I mishear or misunderstand the speaker, but my notes represent what I hear at the time. I try to publish the notes every night after the meeting. I do go back and make a few edits as errors are pointed out to me.  Sometimes I relay a quote from a specific speaker. Sometimes I only summarize the discussion. At points I give a purely personal opinion; those are clearly labeled like this: Personal note.

I skipped Wednesday’s meeting – went on a little vacation.  Sorry for the hole in the notes!

Jane Howard lead the meeting in the National Anthem.

Test question: Is corn the most produced grain? Answer was yes, corn then wheat then rice. But we got the vote wrong 26-95-6.

We voted to come back on Wednesday if necessary. It won’t be, thankfully.


  • Jim O’Conor asked for a sense of the meeting about when precinct organizational meetings should be. On voice vote, the meeting indicated a preference for doing all of the organization on the first night.
  • Moderator John Leone announced that the special legislation for the change in the director of assessments had been approved and signed by the Governor.

Articles 35-42 were taken off the table.

Article 35 – Budgets, continued

Steve Revilak: Is the number of permits going up? Head of Inspections Michael Byrne: yes. Do you have the resources you need? Yes.

Al Tosti: He moved the FinCom proposed modified education vote, with more money from Chapter 70 funds. He noted that the education increase is 6.7%. He said that it was generous – maybe even too generous. Peter Fuller with a question about Arlington Community Education. Last year we said we were going to reduce the rate of education budget increase – he’s glad we’re not. He was pleased with the detail in the School Committee’s report. Linda Hanson revisited Arlington’s high performing schools for low costs. But she noted that part of that was that school salaries are very low. Gary Tibbets: do we go for grants? Yes, full time grant writer. Brendan O’Day Pct 14. He showed how our projections have been wrong for the last few years – we’ve out performed several years in a row. Al Tosti: no recession. I spoke on O’Day’s points. When you build a model, financial model or otherwise, you think about how you want it to fail – you want it to fail in a “safe” way. Our model is inherenty conservative so that if there are errors in projection, they are manageable. We’ve been lucky, and the errors have moved in our favor. That’s not bad forecasting – it’s safe forecasting.  Janice Weber – are the teacher salaries relatively low? Kathy Bodie: yes there are. Override would cost $250 per year? Yes. Carl Wagner moved termination, done on education. Budget amendment was approved.

Len Kardon: Weekend hours were successfull. We should get away from formula budgeting, and make sure we’re delivering good things like this. Jennifer Susse: Friends of the Fox want to have more hours in the east; she encouraged the town to take the money. Jalka: Not clear why the Fox Library is being treated differently.

Gordon Jamieson spoke about retirements. Zarina Memon spoke about nuclear weapons and retirements.

No questions.

Reserve Fund
Gordon Jamieson: question about management of snow-and-ice budgets.

Ed Burns Arena
no questions.

Voice vote. Approved. The electronic voting clicker failed again here – but it got better towards the end of the meeting.

Article 36 – Capital Planning
Chairman Charlie Foskett gave the report of the committee. John Leonard found out the Senior Center Feasibility study will be available in a couple weeks. He had questions about Town Hall Work. Susan Stamps asked about the plan for the DPW renovation. There is rehab/renovation in the future. Gordon Jamieson was not happy with the use of CPA funds. Zarina Memon was confused about how many water heaters there were in the new fire station. Andrew Fischer – Lombard bleachers? Town Manager Adam Chapdelaine: will try for CPA funding next year for them. Peter Fuller: Stratton funding from selling the DAV? Going to RFP. Danuta Forbes on DPW: Can we put the high school there? Unlikely, but will be looked at. Schlichtman moved terminate. vote 1: approved. vote 2: approved unanimously. vote 3, the bonding: 193-4 approved. Votes 5 and 6 Yes. We moved on, then realized we forgot Vote 4 and came back. Vote 4: Unaninmous vote.

Article 37 – Rescind Borrowing
Voted yes

Article 38 – Mugar Application Fees
What is the current status? Waiting for them to file. Fuller: under what jurisdiction will this be spent? Amended to be the Town Manager. Amendment approved. 173-6

Article 39 – Public Art
No action. Approved.

Article 40 – School Capacity
Handled in the special. No action approved.

Article 41 – Sewer Facilities
Worden: Lead in pipes? Rademacher: Our records aren’t great. We don’t see a lot in the field. We’re looking for it as we replace the home meters. Andy O’Brien: Arlington has very low dissolved solids – never looked specifically at the lead though. Carl Wagner said he found lead in his house’s water in the morning samples. Gordon Jameison thinks we should spend more money on testing in schools. Schlichtman terminate on voice vote. 188-1 approved.

Article 42 – Water Facilities
188-0 approved. I think I missed getting my vote in on that one because I was typing!

Article 47 – Water Bodies Funds
182-2 approved.

Article 50 – OPEB

Article 51 – Long Term Stabilization Fund

Article 53 – Special Ed Stabilization
Tosti: Money taken from this year’s budget: $135,000. Only be spent by vote of Town Meeting.

Article 55 – Use of Free Cash (Unencumbered Funds)

Article 56 – Fiscal Stability Stabilization Fund
Tosti: set the number. 191-0

Article 57 – Community Preservation Fund
Vice Chair Eric Helmuth: vote on each question separately. Approved on voice vote. Chairman Clarissa Rowe explained the 5 proposed projects. Helmuth explained the votes. Jalka is in favor. Michael Ruderman wanted to know why so much money was planned for administrative expenses. Rowe: to manage the projects and to relieve the pressure from other budgets, like Town Manager. Ed Trembley had a question about the Kimball House – answered by AHC Executive Director Pam Hallet. Christian Klein is in favor. Phil Goff moves to terminate on all articles. Terminated on voice vote. Vote 1: Approved. (7 against, forgot to write down the votes in favor). Vote 2: approved 171-15-1. Eric Helmuth moved to amend the 3rd vote to no action. Pedantically, I’ll note that the moderator had accepted a motion to terminate debate, so this motion should have been ruled out of order.  But the will of the body was done even if the rules are slippery sometimes..  Amendment approved. 185-1-1.

Article 59 – Resolution Parking
Darcy Devney gave presentation. 183-4

Article 60 – Precinct 17 to Highland.
John Leonard moved a substitute resolution – he would like the polling location to be in Highland fire station. Chief Jefferson explained why using a garage for voting was a bad idea. Stuart Cleinman is in favor of the resolution. He proposed an amendment to remove the words “Highland Station.” Amendment passed. Motion to substitute 108-69-5 passed. Substituted motion passed 109-67-9.

Town Meeting was dissolved.

Town Meeting ’16 – Session 5, and Special #2

I take notes during Town Meeting. They are not official in any way. As I listen to people speak, I type notes. I’m sure that, at times, I mishear or misunderstand the speaker, but my notes represent what I hear at the time. I try to publish the notes every night after the meeting. I do go back and make a few edits as errors are pointed out to me.  Sometimes I relay a quote from a specific speaker. Sometimes I only summarize the discussion. At points I give a purely personal opinion; those are clearly labeled like this: Personal note.

Jane Howard lead the meeting in the National Anthem.

Moderator John Leone lamented that Wednesday’s debate had lacked civility. During debate, some speakers made insinuations made about meeting members’ and volunteer boards’ motives, and other inappropriate language. He called on the meeting to behave better going forward.


  • John Maher spoke about the Salvation Army programs.
  • Bob Tosi – Saturday is the Postal Service food drive – leave non-permishable items, carrier will pick it up.
  • Mark Spengler – Upcoming Schwamb Mill events
    Sarah Burks – Cyrus Dallin supplemental report available in back. Renovations at Jefferson Cutter House. Updates.

Test question for the electronic voting system: Is Lake Superior the world’s largest lake by surface area? Yes, was the answer. But the vote was 50-109-18.


  • Clarissa Rowe put in the Community Preservation Act (CPA) report, and moved the motions within the reports. She introduced her committee members.
  • Finance Committee Dean Carman – Gave a supplemental report of FinComm, Article 3 of the Special Town Meeting – School Enrollment.
  • John Cole – Permanent Town Building Committee. He gave a report on fire station renovation, police station renovation, and stratton renovation.
  • Jennifer Susse Chair of the School Committee – She asked for 7 minutes of time, and was granted. She gave a report on the successes of the school and the challenges.  She kindly provided me with a copy of her remarks.
  • Ann Leroyer – Open Space Committee – State approved our Open Space plan last Septemeber. She announced the “Experiencing Open Space” site/app.

Article 3 was tabled

Articles 35 through 42 were tabled.

Article 43 – Minuteman Appropriations
FinComm Member Steve DeCourcey asked for 15 minutes to speak, was granted. Superintendant Ed Bouquillon gave the presentation – he noted that the budget is lower this year than last. He talked about achievements and budget forces.  Gordon Jamieson asked about student applications. Other questions, OPEB is only partially funded. Retirement fund is 95% funded.  John Deyst asked about special ed – half of the students at Minuteman are on an IEP, highest in the state. 14% of the budget is focused on special ed. 100% passed on English, 95% math on MCAS. Paul Schlichtman noted that the state continues to fail to meet its commitment to fund transportation costs. Janice Weber asked if Minuteman has robotics program – it does. 195-2-3 budget was approved

Tosti moved to adjourn to the special town meeting.

Special Town Meeting Article 6 – Minuteman Building
Al Tosti said to follow the language approved by FinCom last week, not the amendment that he’d prepared.  The FinComm motion would approve the building, contingent on the debt exclusion vote on June 14.  Steve DeCourcey asked for 25 minutes. Several people were opposed to giving the extra time, but it was granted by a vote of 134-59-6.  Steve DeCourcey: reported on that the approval of the FinComm was 10-8. Belmont has said no, so the current debt proposal is dead, but we still want an informational vote here. He ran through the costs of the building, the funding sources.  Dr. Bouquillon spoke next.  He described the MSBA process, the 9 options considered, the building project proposed,  and the physical campus. He talked about the academy plan. He talked about student role in the design process, the cost savings measures of the building, and asked for Arlington’s support.  Charlie Foskett opposed, as himself.  He asked for 10 minutes, got it. He is opposed to the building on the issues, and the form of the article. I understand Charlie’s arguments, though I disagree with most of them.  My only beef with his remarks was that he appeared to use 120 Arlington students for some calculations, but 144 students for others, depending on what point he was trying to make.

We took a break.

I spoke for 7 minutes – here are my slides. Al Tosti asked Town Counsel Doug Heim about the contingency on the debt exclusion.  Heim responded that the bond votes presents no risks to Arlington. Michael Ruderman spoke favorably of Minuteman and in favor of the project. Andy O’Brien talked about his experience with vocational education and how it’s changed. Leba Heigham spoke against the building. She brought in a red herring about the plan depending on bringing in other towns – no one had made that argument. It was mentioned as a possibility, but not as a part of the plan. She pointed out that if enrollment goes up, our costs go up. John Deyst noted that Minuteman was expensive, but it is in the range of reasonable. He voted against the building in FinComm, but he has changed his mind, and he is now supporting it. I was delighted by this development.  As I said in my speech, reasonable people can disagree, and I respected Deyst’s vote at FinComm.  But his change of heart to support the project was most welcome.  Steve Gilligan is opposed to the building. He thinks we should move vocational education into Arlington High School. This argument was not at all well-thought out.  The number of programs you could put together with just Arlington’s students is maybe 5.  And then, for every student who wants a program Arlington doesn’t have, by state law, we would have to pay for out-of-district tuition when that student goes to another school.  Simply “bringing the students home” is not a viable strategy. He said that voting “no” didn’t kill the building.  I was boggled by the number of factually incorrect or totally confused statements Gilligan made. Reasonable people can disagree – but still, there are some facts that are incontrovertible.   He totally misunderstood what I said during my speech about the role of bond counsel. The cost numbers for the schools that he put forward were so far out of whack as to be nonsense – we’re not spending $20 million on portables. And, voting no does kill the building project – there’s no pencil-sharpening recovery step as he suggested.  I think that the meeting as a whole was equally confused by what he said.  Julia Ruderman, a student at Minuteman and a Town Meeting member, addressed the issues as a student, and urged support. Ed Trembley asked about the remediation expenses if there is renovation – they are high.  Annie LaCourt asked about the alternatives we have considered.  She agrees the risks are real and correctly considered, and she supported building within that consideration. Thomas Michelman asked if Minuteman could build if we vote no – the answer is not for a long time. Michelman also wanted to understand the economies of scale at different enrollments. Helmuth moved to terminate debate, and it was 138-45-3. Foskett’s motion: 41-151-2 against. Main motion: 165-31.

I’m obviously very pleased with this result, and I thank Town Meeting for its vote, and I thank everyone who has worked and volunteered for Minuteman for their time and effort.  There’s still a lot to do to get this done.  We need approval at the ballot box on June 14th.  And then we have to figure out how to get Belmont to reconsider.

Town Meeting ’16 – Session 4

I take notes during Town Meeting. They are not official in any way. As I listen to people speak, I type notes. I’m sure that, at times, I mishear or misunderstand the speaker, but my notes represent what I hear at the time. I try to publish the notes every night after the meeting. I do go back and make a few edits as errors are pointed out to me.  Sometimes I relay a quote from a specific speaker. Sometimes I only summarize the discussion. At points I give a purely personal opinion; those are clearly labeled like this: Personal note.

The Board of Selectmen ran late – we were having a vigorous discussion about the language for the debt exclusion vote to be held on June 14th. I arrived a few minutes late, just as the anthem started.

Eric Helmuth lead the meeting in the National Anthem.

Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Diane Mahon moved that we reconvene on May 9th.


  • Chairman Mahon thanked the meeting for their patience while we held our vote.
  • FinCom Chair Al Tosti – Minuteman vote is Monday, and school building vote for Gibbs is Wednesday.
  • Adam Chapedelaine – He announced a Mass Ave Rebuild Phase 2 “Walkshop” for Thursday May 12.
  • Mr. Chapdelaine apologized for an incorrect answer he gave on Monday. The removal of the exterior lines did create another buildable lot. Later the moderator said that notice of reconsideration had been given by Christian Klein, and anyone who wanted to reverse their vote should talk to him. He has the option of moving reconsideration, and if he does, Town Meeting could reverse the approval vote.  We would first have to approve the motion to reconsider (a 2/3 vote, I think), and then we’d re-do the debate and final vote.
  • Jane Howard announced May 14 is Spy Pond trail days – come help maintain the pond.

The moderator announced that the owner of the electronic voting system was here to supervise.  On Monday, the system kept losing connection with the clickers.  It seemed to work without incident tonight. We held a test vote, on this May (the) 4th (be with you): Are you a Star Wars fan? 134-60-14.

Article 3 – Reports
Charlie Foskett announced that the Capital Planning Committee report was available.

Article 3 was tabled.

Article 8 – Residential Zoning
Patricia Worden introduced Chris Loreti and made a substitute motion. After fixing a typo, he argued that the change had minor effects and made for larger yards, and should be supported.  He alleged that the ARB pulled their support from pressure from the selectmen, who “have close connection with the developers.” I couldn’t help but smile – this allegation is so absurd.  I work and socialize with geeks, engineers, venture capitalists, and even hedge fund managers.  I don’t have anything against developers, but to suggest that I am somehow beholden to them, or inappropriately acting on their behalf – it’s a laugher.  Maybe he meant that I have connection with software developers, in which case he’d actually be right.  I’ll add it to the list of false allegations he has made about about me over the years.  Diane Mahon introduced Lynne Lowenstein. She said that zoning changes shouldn’t be done piecemeal. She is in favor of zoning changes, but not pick-and-choose, unvetted changes. They have unintended consequences. Nicole Knobloch is a realtor, she spoke and then introduced Mr. Niberg. He said that we’re dealing with puzzle pieces, and we need to look at the full picture. John Worden is fine with a committee to consider a zoning overhaul, but only if there is a moratorium on building. He doesn’t think zoning is confusing, but he thinks the anonymous propaganda was incorrect and confusing. ARB chair Andrew Bunnell agree with previous speakers that it is on the ARB to make zoning understandable. That is why they voted no action – the feedback was that the proposals weren’t clear and needed more work. Andrew Fischer clarified what we were actually voting on. He thinks the 7-foot rule is reasonable and he was voting in favor. Gordon Jamieson moved the question – terminated on voice vote. Ted Paluso tried to continue the debate, and was ruled out of order.  The vote to terminate debate was questioned, so we had a counted vote.  By 135-71-5 not terminated. Ted Paluso then was permitted to speak, and he demanded an apology for the insults by Chris Loreti to the selectmen. Mark McCabe moved to terminate debate again. 160-57-3 we terminated. 70-146-1 we did not substitute the motion. No action approved on voice vote.

Article 8 – Residential Zoning
No action.

Article 10 – Residential Parking Zoning
Elizabeth Pyle moved the original ARB suggested language (which they had withdrawn). She argued that steep driveways are a public safety issue. Steve Robilak isn’t convinced this is a safety measure. Gary Tibbets is opposed to the change. He introduced Mr. Copperthorne who advocated to follow the ARB, and that it is not a safety issue any more than usual. Janice Weber is opposed – she lives on a hill and the proposed rule would impact her negatively. Christian Klein gave examples of various grade percentages in practice. He noted that more special permits cost money, and ZBA would need more budget if this pased. John Hoppe is in favor – his street has new houses at 30% grade, and they are holes in the streetscape.  Phil Goff asked the ARB why they pulled support at the last minute? ARB Chair Andrew Bunnel answered that the ARB decided that all of the residential articles needed more work; the commercial ones were fine, but the residential ones were not clear and did not have consensus.  Goff is concerned with the “pit houses,” the ones with below-grade garages.  I see a lot of merit in this proposal.  I’m particularly concerned with flooding. In the lower, flatter parts of Arlington the downslope driveways into a dugout garage have terrible flooding problems. The people buying the houses don’t understand that their new garage is actually a flood control cistern. But this is exactly why I voted against it. It might be a bad idea in East Arlington, but a good idea on the side of Mt. Gilboa. We need a more comprehensive approach, not a one-size-fits-all restriction. Mustafa Varoglu asked about what the effect on existing driveways would be. If you have an existing non-conforming driveway, there wouldn’t be a restriction on repaving, but there would be on extension, renovation, or other new building. Annie LaCourt asked about the source of the idea – it came from Master Plan Implementation Committee. There was no data about how often these driveways happen. She asked when the ARB would consider the residential questions – Andrew Bunnell said a timeframe is forthcoming, and his goal is to have something for next year’s Town Meeting.


Several speakers passed. Mr. Worden noted the support of the Master Plan Implementation Committee for the ARB language. He said that if this is voted down, and anyone is hit by a car, it would be on our conscience. I was reminded of what political debate looks like in Springfield. Paul Schlichtman moved to terminate debate. 160-37-4 terminated. 74-126-3 motion failed. No action approved on voice vote.

Article 11 – New Residential Construction
Adam Auster moved a resolution to refer residential building to a committee appointed by the Town Manager to report back to Town Meeting. He talked about some of the rebuilding in East Arlington, how some of it was positive, but how some of it wasn’t fitting. ARB Andrew Bunnell is in favor.  Patricia Worden was in favor. John Belskis wasn’t sure if he was in favor, but was concerned with the power of developers. Gordon Jamieson is opposed; he thinks we have the committees in place already. Len Kardon said that people should vote yes only if they think there is a problem to be addressed. Andrew Bengtson had questions about getting visualizations from an intern. Steve Robilak wondered about committee overlaps. Adam Chapdelaine, in answer to a question, said he would likely use the Master Plan Implementation committee to do this. Debbie Edelstein was uncomfortable with some of the editorializing in the motion. She’s opposed. Mark McCabe moved terminate debate. 174-22-4 terminated. Adam Auster’s substitute motion passed 107-95-2. 118-85 final approval.

Article 30 – Gilboa
No action

Article 31 – Local Option
No ation

Article 32 - CDBG Expenditures
I gave an explanation of Community Development Block Grants, our process, and recent updates.  There was a request for more historical data. There was a question about administration costs.  Approved.  Someone was opposed, but I’m not sure what they were opposed to . . .

Article 33 – Revolving Funds
Adam Chapdelaine noted there is report and an extended report. Approved unanimously.

Article 34 – Position Reclassifications
Approved unanimously.

Article 35 – Budgets
There was question if we should postpone the budgets- Adam Chapdelaine said that several department heads were here for budgets, and we should go forward.  We went forward with the budgets.  Every budget name was read, and some were tacitly approved, while some were “held” for discussion.

FinComm Budget - Mostly wasn’t questions – there were people who approved or disapproved of some of the choices FinComm has made.

Town Manager  Budget – John Leonard – deputy town manager was vacant for several months – where did the money go? Unused money returned to free cash (aka unrestricted funds). John Leonard had questions about the assistant and deputy town manager roles and costs. Carl Wagner asked about the decision to give the Town Manager a raise. John Deyst spoke in favor of the Town Manager’s budget. Zarina Mamon asked why the expenses didn’t go up. She had questions about salaries, steps, and longevity. I answered about why we gave a housing allowance. I noted the allowance was for this manager, not future ones. Al Tosti spoke in favor of the assistant town manager position.  Paul Schlichtman moved to terminate debate, done on voice votes.

Remaining budgets with holds: IT, Treasurer, Assessors, ZBA, Public Works, Facilities, Community Safety, Inspections, Education, Libaries, Retirement, Insurance, Reserve Funds, Ed Burns Arena.

We adjourned.

I believe the plan for Monday is to table the remaining budgets and take up the Minuteman annual budget, then go into the Special Town Meeting and vote on the Minuteman building project.

Town Meeting ’16 – Session 3

I take notes during Town Meeting. They are not official in any way. As I listen to people speak, I type notes. I’m sure that, at times, I mishear or misunderstand the speaker, but my notes represent what I hear at the time. I try to publish the notes every night after the meeting. I do go back and make a few edits as errors are pointed out to me.  Sometimes I relay a quote from a specific speaker. Sometimes I only summarize the discussion. At points I give a purely personal opinion; those are clearly labeled like this: Personal note.

Jane Howard played the “Star Spangled Banner” and the meeting sang along.

We did a test question on the vote clickers: Will the Red Sox win the pennant this year 76-50-16, the vote was yes. That’s a pretty low number, but I think people were still arriving.  Later vote totals were much larger.

Many people were still at the School Enrollment Task Force meeting, including Board of Selectmen Chair Diane Mahon. So, I made the motion for us to reconvene May 4th.


  • Ted Paluso talked about the many tourist attractions in town and showed a handout from ATED.
  • John Worden noted that in 1921 Arlington adopted “Limited Town Meeting” which we call “Representative Town Meeting.” That’s 94 years under that format – and Mr. Worden has been here for half of them.
  • Chamber of Commerce  is seeking nominatinons for citizen of the year.

Article 3 – Reports of Town Committees

  • FinComm Chair Al Tosti – supplemental report available. Minuteman votes will be held on Monday the 9th.
  • Treasurer Stephen Gilligan announced his written report was available. And, presumably, in time, on the town website.

Art 3 was laid on table.

Article 18 – Expanding Equal Protection
Vice Chair of the Human Rights Commissioner Mel Goldsipe spoke in favor of the change. Unanimously approved on voice vote. So last week we didn’t have the contractor to run the electronic voting system. The new guy was here, but he wasn’t ready – we couldn’t get the vote running, hence the voice vote.

Article 19 – Human Rights Committee Executive Director
Moderator Leone noted that this had been on the consent agenda, and someone asked to take it off the consent agenda. But then no one spoke! Adopted unanimously.

Article 20 – Human Rights Committee Chair
Consent agenda again – unanimously approved.

Article 22 – Tree Bylaw
Selectman Chair Diane Mahon related the history of the three hearings on the issue. Susan Stamps gave the presentation. She noted the bylaw does not affect taking down a tree in your back yard. It only affects trees in the setback, and only during major construction. Two changes came from Town Counsel Doug Heim. Gary Tibbets spoke in favor. He proposed an amendment to change the deadline from 90 days to 180 days to allow for seasonal difficulty in planting trees. Bill Berkowitz in favor. He spoke on the importance of trees. Daniel Jalkut was in favor, and had a question about the correction. Zarina Memon with a question on invasive species. Paul Schlichtman moved to terminated debate. It was terminated after some confusion on the clickers. The amendment passed, 203-5.   The amended motion passed 200-9-1.

Article 23 – Electronic Distribution of Town Meeting Materials
Karl Wagner started with some prop comedy about all the paper, spoke in favor. Eric Helmuth – in favor. Barbar Boltz was confused about the process of opting in v. opting out – you must opt yourself in, and once in, you may opt yourself out.. Molly Flueckiger reminded everyone to keep their messaging ADA compliant. Daniel Jalkut had a question about document standards. Marian King had a question about how electronic documents would work in meetings. Steve Liggett is in favor. He advocated putting a version number on every document. Ted Sharpe thinks that the opt-out solution (once you’ve opted in) is too bureaucratic, and suggested during implementation that people be opted out if there are too many email bounces. Greg Christiana tried to terminate debate – but he spoke a few words first, and is not allowed to terminate debate if he does that. Zarina Memon moved to terminated detabe. Debate is terminated on voice vote. 202-7 in favor of the change.

Article 26 – Email Address for Public Bodies
Elizabeth Pyle introduced Chris Loreti who made a substitute motion. He wants certain boards to have town email addresses and have them listed on the website. It’s worth noting that the substitute motion was different from the original proposal that we heard at the selectmen’s hearing. The original proposal included a requirement that town email must be used for all emails by the various board members. The response of the board was to recommend no action on the bylaw, but to agree with the usefulness of town email addresses, and to ask the town manager to make emails available to town volunteers. The language was proposed tonight is much more relaxed than the original proposal.  The comments in our selectmen’s report were referring to the original proposal, not the one we voted on tonight. Paul Schlichtman asked the Town Manager his opinion. Adam Chapdelaine said that it is possible, and it would make public records requests easier. Schlichtman asked what would happen if he replied to questions about a debt exclusion on a ballot question using town email. Town Counsel Doug Heim said an email probably wasn’t a problem, but distributing political documents would be against campaign law. Schlichtman said he will be abstaining. Annie LaCourt is in favor. Gordon Jamieson asked if it was a resolution – no, it’s a vote of town meeting. Michelle Durocher thinks it would help some board members. John Maher believes that it would inhibit volunteers. Zarina Memon compared town officials to Hillary Clinton, and then noted that the motion was about “pubic” records, not “public” records.  As was quoted to me: “It puts a whole new meaning on combing through the records.” The change to the typo was accepted administratively.

We took a break.

Joe Tully spoke in favor. He thinks it is easy to implement. Christiana – opposed. Not clear division between “work” v. home email in this case. Karl Wagner terminated debate. By 96-92-11 it was substituted. 105-95-6 the motion carried.

Article 27 – Lobbying Public Officials
No action

Article 28 – Community Choice Aggregation
Selectman Diane Mahon noted the Selectmen’s notes and FAQ. Town Manager Adam Chapdelaine walked through the steps of how community aggregation would be adopted. Town Meeting authorizes the process, a plan is created, and then several state authorities and the Board of Selectmen have to approve the plan. He noted that if pricing isn’t favorable, we wouldn’t exercise a contract. Jacqueline Chakrabarty spoke in favor on climate protection arguments. Kevin Koch asked what happens if the costs change over the longer term – the answer is to adopt short contracts so you can reset if prices change. There was a question about Belmont’s Municipal Light Plant – not an option at this time. Flynn Monks asked and heard that 11% of the town uses competitive power already. He’s in favor of the plan. Town Meeting Member Tom Michelman works for an energy broker and he’s in favor. Michael Quinn related some history of the Municipal Power Aggregation Commiittee – a committee I served on with him. He is concerned that there are no guarantees that the price would be favorable. He also noted that this is Town Meeting’s only chance to vote on the issue.  Andrew OBrien supports the article. John Deyst is in favor because he trusts the Town Manager to get it done properly. Deb Butler asked if you can still use utility budgeting and you can. Steve Ligget is in favor. He asked for some usage numbers that were not available. Charlie Foskett had a question about how cost can be lower, if renewable energy is more expensive. Town Manager Adam Chapdelaine said that bulk negotiation enabled lower rates. There was an interplay about whether or not there were subsidies and whether they should affect the debate. It was clarified that the aggregation being contemplated was 5% more than the Eversource basic. Karl Wagner moved to terminate debate. Terminated on voice vote. 177-22-5 it was approved. More than 200 voters at 10:30! Attendance is stronger this year.

Article 29 – Removal of Easement on Pleasant View Road
Moderator John Leone stepped down as Moderator for this article because he negotiated on behalf of the property owner. Adam Chapdelaine explained that the exterior lines were for a road that was never built. He negotiated with the property owner in similar consideration of the 2014 agreement on the adjacent property. He described how he came to a price using a “rollback” tax calculation indicated by a related section of state law. Michael Ruderman asked a question about how the cost was computed. John Worden was opposed to the last exterior line sale, and he’s opposed to this one. It permits development that he doesn’t approve it. Dean Carmen is in favor. He thinks that the 2014 solution was a good example to be followed. William Burke was confused about which property was in question. Christian Klein is concerned that we don’t have a written plan and asked some questions about the lot dimensions. Christopher Moore moved to terminate debate.  After more failures of the electronic voting system, the debate was terminated and the agreement was approved on voice vote.

Town Meeting ’16 – Session 2 (And Special TM Session 1)

I take notes during Town Meeting. They are not official in any way. As I listen to people speak, I type notes. I’m sure that, at times, I mishear or misunderstand the speaker, but my notes represent what I hear at the time. I try to publish the notes every night after the meeting. I do go back and make a few edits as errors are pointed out to me.  Sometimes I relay a quote from a specific speaker. Sometimes I only summarize the discussion. At points I give a purely personal opinion; those are clearly labeled like this: Personal note.

8:02 call to order.

The moderator announced that the electronic voting operator wasn’t present. We have no electronic voting until he comes! The moderator said that we will run under the “old” meeting rules – use a voice vote most of the time, and if 5 people rise to doubt the ruling on the voice vote there will be a standing vote, etc.

Eric Helmuth played the National Anthem on the piano. I think he did a great job! Fast and energetic.

The Moderator swore in the one new member. He was applauded.

The Special Town Meeting was called to order.

We voted to return for the Special on Monday May 9th if it is not completed tonight.

The Special Town Meeting was called because we thought we might need very fast resolution on some school building projects.  That has turned out to not be the case.  Still, it was the right move at the time – it kept our options open while we considered the school building needs.

Announcements and Resolutions

  • Steve Decourcey announced the High School Girl Tennis team is selling baked goods.
  • John Maher noted that he has been here for more than half the 79 Town Meetings under the current system. He invited application to the Symmes Foundation for medical uses of the community.
  • Jacoby?. Early voting will be available in Massachusetts. Educate your neighbors!
  • (I missed the name!) from Arlington Cultural Council spoke about arts in the town. Arlington Center for the Arts, ACA. Commision on Arts and Culture ACAC. Arlinton Culturual Council ACC.  ACC gave 17 grants for $22,000 to support the arts in town.


  • Andrew Bunnell of the ARB: Letter on the chairs explaining the last-minute change in recommendation on Articles 8-10.
  • John Leonard: – Dissolve the CPA Study Committee. Question on the Building Maintenance Committee. Maintenance Study Committee dissolved – again.

Article 1 of Special Town Meeting – FY2016 budgets. No action

Article 2 Transfer Special Ed
$200k approved on voice vote.

Article 3 Capital School Capacity
Al Tosti explained that the School Enrollment Task Force has a hearing tomorrow night to hear from the architect. On Monday the Task Force will meet again and make recommendations. FinComm will meet and consider the recommendations and get a report to Town Meeting. He moved postponement to May 11 or earlier at the call of the moderator. Postponed on voice vote.

Article 4 Stratton
No action.

Article 5 Arlington High School Feasibility Study
Al Tosti: this is a first step for a new High School. Superintendent Kathy Bodie described the history of our application with the MSBA and outlined some of the problems with the current facility. Town Manager Adam Chapdelaine walked through the MSBA process, where we are in it, and what Town Meeting’s role is. Gordon Jamieson asked about the LABB collaborative and the role of the Permanent Town Building committee. The appropriation was unanimously approved, contingent on the success of the Proposition 2.5 debt exclusion vote set for June 14th.

Article 6 Minuteman Building
Al Tosti reported that the Selectmen’s Minuteman Task Force had voted on Tuesday morning 8-1 to support the building. Later Tuesday FinComm voted 10-8 to support the building. He said that it was a tough question with a difficult discussion. He asked that this be postponed to May 9th. Postponed.  I support the Minuteman building project.  I haven’t fully written out my thoughts, but the framework of my argument can be read here.

Adjourned Special Town Meeting.

Article 11 – Regular Town meeting – Garage Entrance Locations
Adam Auster put in a substitute motion, but moved to postpone until after Article 10.  Postponed.

Article 12 and 13 were already approved on the consent vote, so we moved on:

Article 14 – Increasing Space Between Buildings
John Belskis proposed a substitute motion. He wants to make a change in the side yard setbacks. He wants to keep larger buildings from being built and encroaching on neighbors. Gordon Jamieson is opposed – it’s too restrictive, particularly for those parts of towns with housing on small lots. ARB Chair Andrew Bunnel said the ARB had no opinion. Gregory Christiana – there isn’t enough information about what is affected. Another speaker was opposed. Mark Lombard was opposed, and showed pictures of his renovation. Tom Caccavaro introduced Don Westwater. He is opposed. There was an outbreak of rude mocking from the upper gallery. The moderator asked the meeting to act with civility. There was confusion about the content of the substitute motion. The moderator himself was confused. Mr. Belskis re-explained the motion. Andy O’Brien is concerned that these changes could lower property values. Kevin Greeley introduced Steve McKenna. McKenna was unhappy with some of the negative comments about the ARB on Monday. He thinks the zoning bylaws are too complex, and we need to start from the beginning. He wants to rewrite from the beginning. Mustafa Varoglu moved to terminate debate. Terminated on voice vote. Substitution failed on voice vote. No action approved on voice vote.

Article 15 – Large Additions
John Worden moved a substitute motion. He thinks there is an epidemic of “teardowns and mansionization.” He wants to protect neighborhoods. He would like to make it much harder to do a teardown. He said that much of the opposition information being distributed wasn’t true. Elizabeth Pyle supports the substitute motion. She thinks teardowns should be treated the same as additions. She pointed out that a teardown is easier than an addition, and that isn’t sound. I think that her argument was a compelling one. However, the substitute includes additional restrictions on additions and teardowns that I think were excessive.  Worden wants to restrict development much more than I do, and this language that he proposed went farther than I’m comfortable with.  I would support a “clean” change that treats teardowns the same as additions.  But I didn’t support the multiple changes in the substitute motion.

7 minute break

The moderator brought the Special Town Meeting back into session and certified that there was a quorum. I think this was an “oops” that needed to be corrected.

Patricia Worden spoke against tear downs. Steve Robilak noted the increasing complexity of the zoning regulations. Andrew Bunnell said the ARB doesn’t have a formal opinion on this article. He is opposed to the change. Annie LaCourt asked questions about the permits and the hearing processes – 120 days on the outside, and often close to that. She doesn’t think we have enough data about the current actions and the effect of these changes. She is opposed. Christopher Moore asked about ARB timing. He asked if there is a methodology for evaluating the effects of sun and shadows. Bob Jefferson is opposed. He thinks the ARB should be the ones to work on this. He introduced Mr. Niberg who said that houses should be evaluated on their finished state, not the unfinished pictures put up Mr. Worden. He thinks this change would impact small lots and homeowners particularly. Gordon Jamieson is opposed to the substitute motion. Carl Wagner is in favor of the substitute motion because it shouldn’t be easier to tear down. Guillermo Bahamon likes his neighbors, and would like this to be decided by the ARB. Bill Kaplan spoke in favor of his neighbors building larger houses. He pointed out that all of that new building will defray future tax increases. Joe Tully doesn’t think that this article should be lumped in with other articles. He wants to close the loophole. He commented on the effect of new building under Proposition 2.5. There was confusion about the effect of new building under Prop 2.5, but Bill Kaplan got it right.  Any new building – renovations, additions, teardown/rebuilds, building on vacant lots, anything new – is taxed and the revenue is in addition to the limits of Proposition 2.5.  That’s why towns with high growth rates don’t need overrides.  Their new buildings increase their revenue in excess of Prop 2.5 limits.  Kaplan was right: when your neighbors expand their houses, then the pressure on your tax bill is reduced.  Mark McCabe moved to terminate debate. Standing vote. 162-42, debate was terminated. The standing vote and the delay it caused was a good reminder of why we love electronic voting! 92-114 the substitute motion failed.  No action approved.

Article 16 Revision of Height Calculations
Elizabeth Pyle made a substitute motion. The substitute motion is different from the original proposal. She said her proposal is fair to all property owners. She thinks that the previous language could be taken advantage of, and the new language is more consistent. Steve McKenna was opposed. Gary Tibbets opposed to the change. He thinks the ARB is the right group to generate these changes to keep them clear and consistent. Bill Kaplan had mixed feelings. Gordon Jamieson asked if it was in scope – the moderator ruled that it was. Jamieson is opposed.  Allan Reedy moved to terminate debate.  Pyle’s vote went down by majority vote.  No action was approved.

Meeting adjourned.

Town Meeting ’16 – Session 1

I take notes during Town Meeting. They are not official in any way. As I listen to people speak, I type notes. I’m sure that, at times, I mishear or misunderstand the speaker, but my notes represent what I hear at the time. I try to publish the notes every night after the meeting. I do go back and make a few edits as errors are pointed out to me.  I do not try to reproduce my entire notes for this online version. Sometimes I relay a quote from a specific speaker. Sometimes I only summarize the discussion. At points I give a purely personal opinion; those are clearly labeled like this: Personal note.

We started very close to on time!

The Menotomy Minuteman marched in and led the body in the National Anthem.

Moderator John Leone called the meeting to order. He reminded the body of several of the rules of Town Meeting and made several announcements. Particularly:

  • If you want a copy of Town Meeting Time, see the Moderator.
  • If you want to be on the Town Meeting email list, join on the Town Meeting section of the town website.
  • You are restricted to 7 minutes, but you shouldn’t use more than 3 for your speaking time.
  • He encouraged us to stick with civility in our discourse.
  • He gave a quick training on the voting clickers. 199 people voted in the test vote, out of 252 representatives.
  • He announced that this year we will be using a “consent agenda” for certain non-controversial articles.
  • There is a bake sale run by the tennis club in the hallway.

The moderator administered the oath of office for newly elected and returning town meeting members. They were greeted with a round of applause afterwards.

Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Diane Mahon made the traditional motion about permitting town officials and employees to sit “on the floor” with town meeting members. Non-members are seated in the viewing gallery on the 2nd floor.

Town Clerk certified that the meeting was properly convened.

We voted to return on Wednesday for the rest of the business.

Article 2 – State of the Town. Diane Mahon gave the state of the town. She talked about the major events of the past year. She talked about the challenges including Mugar proposal. She also talked about the forthcoming June 14, 2016 Proposition 2.5 debt exclusion vote that the Board of Selectmen voted earlier tonight. I encourage everyone to read the proposal, and to educate themselves about the upcoming vote.

Article 3 – Announcements and Reports

  • The Nagaokakyo student exchange visitors were recognized, and the head of their school system thanked the town for hosting.
  • Chairman Diane Mahon submitted the report of the Board of Selectman.
  • Finance Committee Chairman Al Tosti introduced the members of the Finance Committee. FinCom will report next week on the school building proposals and on the Minuteman building project. He also announced the intent to have all of the Minuteman votes on Monday May 9th.
  • Chairman of the Arlington Redevelopment Board Andrew Bunnell gave the report of the ARB. He noted that the ARB is amending its report to put forward a recommendation of no action for Articles 8, 9, and 10. This was an interesting development. Articles 8, 9, and 10 are generating some controversy, and I thought it would a lot of that controversy off the table.  As later events revealed, the controversy came back strong.
  • Ann LeRoyer of the Master Plan Implementation Committee noted that the report is in writing and available in the back of the room.
  • Diane Mahon and Town Manager Adam Chapdelaine introduced the various department heads in the town.
  • Most reports can be found on the town website.

At Tosti moved that the motions contained in the reports be the main motions for each article. For new town meeting members the importance of this motion is not obvious, though the conversation around the ARB’s report will make it more obvious than usual! If we didn’t make this motion, at the start of every article, the Moderator would have to call on someone to start the debate process by making a motion under that article, then find a second for the motion, etc. Instead, through this vote, we automatically start each article with a motion already made and ready for debate. That becomes key later on – the first motion sets the debate, and other amendments and substitute motions alter the debate.

Article 3 was placed on table.

Article 4 – Measurer of Wood and Bark. Elsie Fiorie was re-appointed without opposition.

Article 5 – Assistant Town Moderator. John Belskis nominated Jim O’Conor and he was elected without opposition.

Consent Agenda
Articles 11, 19, 20, 27, 30, 39, 47, 55 were held, and were not included in the consent agenda. Articles 12, 13, 17, 21, 24, 25, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 52, 54, 58 were all placed on the consent agenda. The consent agenda was approved 166-12-5. With a single vote we disposed of 14 articles. I think this was a nice procedural improvement to the meeting.

Al Tosti gave notice of reconsideration of the finance articles approved in the consent agenda. What that means is that later on in the meeting, he has reserved the right to make a motion of reconsideration. He would use this if some development made the financial votes inappropriate; with a motion of reconsideration, the meeting can take an item back up and revise it.

Article 6 – Mixed Use
ARB Chair Andrew Bunnell introduced the article. He noted a clerical error, that the minimum lot size change on page 8 is still 5000 square feet. He noted that mixed use exists in Arlington today – in the Heights and in the Center. The ARB wants to permit mixed use on all commercial corridors in town. That means that it’s permissible to have commercial and residential and retail under the same roof. It wouldn’t affect residential zones. He noted that it should increase the availability of housing for households that are downsizing and other users. He noted that it permits higher buildings than currently allowed. Michael Ruderman and Chris Loreti proposed an amendment to modify the ARB’s proposal. Loreti believes that the ARB wants to permit too much. Barbara Thornton is in favor of the ARB’s proposal. She thinks that growth is inevitable and we must grow in smart ways. Kaplan was opposed – he thinks we are densely settled enough. Andy O’Brien was opposed. Andrew Fischer thinks it should be multiple votes, not one, and he’s voting no. This argument wasn’t compelling to me. It is sound practice to put zoning changes into a bundle; they are interlocking and have to be at adopted as a package. John Worden is opposed to the amendment – he thinks it relies too much on the judgement or ARB. Gordon Jamieson asked a series of leading questions. I find the question back-and-forth to be confusing – the person answering the question isn’t always answering the question that was asked, and the dialogue is imprecise. He is in the favor of the ARB’s proposals and not the amendments.

7 minute break – closer to 13 minutes in actuality.

Brian Rehrig noted that the way to create retail space, to lower the price for retail space, is to increase inventory. He supports the ARB’s changes, and is opposed to Loreti’s amendment. On his request, ARB Chair Bunnell reviewed each business district by height. Paul Schlichtman said that the current zoning bylaw is causing commercial space to flip to residential – it’s where the money is. He said that mixed use is the way to change zoning to retain the commercial space that we need. I couldn’t agree with him more on this point. We need to relieve the pressure on housing prices and retain our commercial space. Mixed use is the best option we have available. Mike Cayer repeated the correction on page 8 about 5000 square feet.  This was a key point. The chairman needed to make that point more clearly up front; it’s a good thing we got to it. Mike Cayer walked through a series of points about the importance of revising the current zoning.  Steve Revilak asked about the special permit process. Selectman Steve Byrne spoke in favor. Zarina Mamon didn’t think it opens up enough space for businesses and was opposed to it.  Carl Wagner moved to terminate debate, approved 168-51. Loreti’s amendment failed 65-152 with 2 abstaining. ARB article was approved 186-35.  This was a highly-attended town meeting, and a resounding approval of the zoning change.

Article 7 – Parking in Business Districts. This would permit lower amounts of parking in places where alternate transportation is available. It will permit more varieties of redevelopment. Ed Trembley thinks that this would reduce out-of-town commerce. Scott Smith was in favor and noted the change in transportation choices in Arlington. Phil Goff reflected on the previous debate remarked it was the best that he has seen. He supports the parking change. He talked about the effectiveness of this kind of program in Kendall Square. John Leonard wanted to know about enforcement. John Deyst was in favor. Gordon Jamieson moved to terminate debate. 189-23. Zoning change approved 180-34-2.

Article 8 – Residential Zoning Changes. John Worden moved to postpone to May 4th. By 127 – 69 it was postponed. In my opinion, Mr. Worden had the ARB’s vote in front of him, and he had his intended amendment in front of him, and he should have just moved his desired article forward.  I think he saw how badly he was beaten on the previous two articles and was buying time to try to figure out a new strategy.  I think that the ARB correctly gauged that the town is no where near consensus on the issue and moved no action.  I don’t think Mr. Worden is going to find that consensus in the next week, and I expect to support a vote of no action.

Article 9 – John Worden moved to postpone to May 4th. Charlie Foskett asked if Mr. Worden’s substitute motion would be the same as the ARBs. The answer was that it would be roughly the same. There were several questions. Michael Quinn encouraged support for the postponement given the last-minute vote of the ARB. 164-44-3 it was postponed

Article 10 – John Worden moved to postpone to May 4th. 167-37 it was postponed.

We adjourned at 10:54.


Town Meeting ’16 – January Special Town Meeting

I take notes during Town Meeting. They are not official in any way. As I listen to people speak, I type notes. I’m sure that, at times, I mishear or misunderstand the speaker, but my notes represent what I hear at the time. I try to publish the notes every night after the meeting. I do go back and make a few edits as errors are pointed out to me.  I do not try to reproduce my entire notes for this online version. Sometimes I relay a quote from a specific speaker. Sometimes I only summarize the discussion. At points I give a purely personal opinion; those are clearly labeled like this: Personal note.

Town Meeting Member Jane Howard played the Star-Spangled Banner on the piano and the meeting sang along.

The Moderator announced the passing of Town Meeting Member Roly Chaput and recalled his history of activity in the town. We had a moment of silence. Roly was a stalwart, a relentlessly upbeat, can-do volunteer who dedicated hours and hours to our community. I mourn his passing.

The moderator said that Elsie Fiorie had fallen and broken her arm, but was healing.

The Town Clerk certified that the meeting was properly called.

Kevin Greeley, chair of the Board of Selectman moved that if we don’t finish tonight, that we come back Wednesday. This was a moot vote, thankfully.

The moderator conducted a test vote on snow fall amounts. Vote was: 91-43-8. That was a surprisingly low number of votes, but the later, real votes had a much higher total.

Selectman Kevin Greeley introduced four new town employees.

Article 1 – Reports

The reports of the Board of Selectmen, Finance Committee, Capital Planning, and Permanent Town Building Committee were received.

Finance Committee Chairman Al Tosti moved that the recommended votes of the various reports be before the meeting without further motion. This is a very important motion, and it is often not well understood. If we didn’t make this motion, then at the start of every article, the Moderator would have to call on someone to start the debate by making a motion under that article, and then find a second for the motion before debate can begin. Instead, through this vote, we automatically start each article with a motion already made and ready for debate. This is key – the relevant town authority makes a motion, that first motion sets the debate, and other motions alter or replace the main motion.

Article 1 was tabled.

Articles 2 and 3 – Stratton.

The Moderator said the two articles will be debated together, and voted separately. School Committee Chairman Paul Schlichtman asked Town Meeting to finish the rebuilding job started 19 years ago. Superintendant Kathy Bodie laid out the problems with the current Stratton school and the plan to fix them. Permanent Town Building Committee Chair John Cole went into further detail of the proposed building project. He explained that the funding schedule needs to match the required construction schedule. He explained the phasing of the project. Capital Planning Chair Charlie Foskett spoke next. He explained that the state has declined to participate in the funding. He walked through the debt and asset sale mechanisms to fund the project. Stratton PTO President Jane Horgan (sp?) spoke in favor of the proposal, and praised the modulars as a smart solution. Stephen Harrington asked if the Public Safety building renovation is done – it will be in August was the answer. Harrington questioned several of the numbers in the Capital Planning Committee’s report, and expressed support for the project. Gordon Jamieson had questions about capacity. Ted Paluso spoke in favor. Mark McCabe moved to terminate debate. 176-20 debate was terminated. Article 2 was approved 194-4. Article 3 was approved 199-0. There was a large-ish gallery of East Arlington parents watching, and they applauded.

Article 4 – Thompson.

Al Tosti asked for extra 3 minutes to speak, and it was granted. Amazingly, some people didn’t think he deserved the extra 3 minutes. He explained that Stratton’s bids had come in over budget, and the money in the capital budget went to Stratton. That left Thompson without an obvious funding source. The finance committee has determined that the reserve budget is the appropriate source. That fund can be expended by FinComm, but they are seeking the judgement of Town Meeting whether or not to use the reserve fund to obtain modulars for Thompson School. Town Manager Adam Chapdelaine gave the recent history of the School Enrollment Task Force. He explained the modulars would be a solution for this year, and there would be further recommendations at the regular Town Meeting. Stephen Harrington said that he thinks the funding is inappropriate. He moved an amendment to make the appropriation out of the capital budget. This amendment was problematic on several technical levels, and on the policy level. Given that FY16 is more than half done, and the capital budget is significantly expended already, it’s not clear where he specifically thought the money should come from. Furthermore, since it was a resolution, it’s not clear that it actually had any effect. The reserve fund is explicitly under the direct control of FinComm, so a resolution is an appropriate vehicle. But the capital budget is set by Town Meeting, so a resolution isn’t a sufficient motion to change the capital budget. He made a second amendment to ask that the expenditure come from the Community Preservation Act funds. This amendment has the same challenges as the first one, plus it sought to short-circuit the CPA vetting process that Town Meeting put into place this past spring. Mariah Terrel Pct 7, Thompson parent, spoke next. She supports the modulars, and did not approve of Task Force’s choice to forgo a more permanent solution this year. She detailed the class sizes that her children are experiencing. She walked through the future projections of enrollment. Steve Ligget, Thompson parent, expressed support for the modulars. He detailed the problems with enrollment that are coming. John Leonard was confused by the difference between the warrant and the recommended motion. This is a regular point of confusion. The warrant is a form of notification. It is sent to every home in town. It serves notice of the topics of discussion that are to come before Town Meeting. The motion is the expression of action, it is the way Town Meeting actually executes. A motion must be within the scope of the warrant. In this case, the warrant was broadly written (“any of the Town’s school buildings”) and the motion was far more specific (“for the Thompson School”). John Deyst explained that the reserve fund’s purpose is to manage unexpected short-term needs. This enrollment growth is exactly such a situation. P. J. Harris asked about the CPA, and whether the money can be directed. Not a clear answer. He learned that the rough amount of money for the modulars is $250k. The available funds are $1m in the reserve budget. Charlie Foskett explained the reserve fund, and said that it was a very appropriate source. He explained that this was not a withdrawal from the override stabilization fund, but was a transfer from the reserve fund (budget 26) of the annual budget. He explained that the capital plan already had taken into account the CPA, and the resulting unspent money had been applied to Stratton.

We took a 7 minute break.

Adam Auster moved to terminate debate, approved 172-15. First we voted on Harrington’s proposal to use the capital budget. Failed 27-163. Then voted on Harrington’s proposal to use CPA money. Failed 26-166. Main motion of finance committee approved 182-11.

Article 5 – Collective bargaining

All units under agreement through July 2018. Linda Hanson, president of AEF (teachers’ union) expressed support for the agreement, but is concerned by how some of the jobs in this union might be outsourced. Her point was cut off by the moderator and ruled out of scope. I understand why the moderator wanted to move on, but I wish there was more time to talk about this. The underlying facts of this situation are not well known in town, and I think that we’d benefit from getting all the facts out and discussing them. The expenditure was approved 182-0.

Article 6 – Minuteman Bond. No action unanimously.

Article 7 – Minuteman, Wayland withdrawal. No action unanimously.

Article 8 – Minuteman Regional Agreement

I presented the main motion. I gave some of the history of the issue and outlined some of the important points of the proposed agreement. I said it deserved and up-or-down vote. Bill Hayner made a substitute motion that would create a study committee. He wanted the Town Meeting to recess, not adjourn, and come back before the March 1st deadline. Town Meeting votes are not final until after adjournment. This procedure would have meant that the school funding we voted in articles 2, 3, and 4 would have been on hold for weeks. Paul Schlichtman was opposed to amendment, in favor of main motion. Dean Carman supported the main motion, and gave a lengthy and impassioned speech in support of it. He said the time for study was past. Annie LaCourt moved to terminate debate, done by a 168-17 vote. 23-161 Hayner’s motion failed. 178-5 the new agreement passed.

Town Meeting was dissolved .