Dan Dunn


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Design Credit: My fantastic logo was designed by Kim Paradiso of Arlington. Check out her website.
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Press Coverage
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Campaign coverage
The Arlington Advocate sponsored a debate; here is the story. (October 28,2004) http://www2.townonline.com/arlington/localRegional/view.bg?articleid=113908

I wrote two columns about my positions for the Arlington Advocate. (September 30, 2004) http://www2.townonline.com/arlington/opinion/view.bg?articleid=96791

Second column (October 14, 2004) http://www2.townonline.com/arlington/opinion/view.bg?articleid=105368

My entry in the Voters' Guide (October 28,2004) http://www2.townonline.com/arlington/localRegional/view.bg?articleid=113866

The Arlington Advocate wrote a story about my campaign. (May 27, 2004) http://www.townonline.com/arlington/news/local_regional/

Live from Arlington launch
"I view it as a way to grow and extend the online community of Arlington. I definitely believe you can use technology to improve people's lives and improve the town," said Dunn. "A larger segment of the town will be connected to each other." (April 8, 2004) http://www.townonline.com/arlington/news/local_regional/

The Globe wrote a story about Live from Arlington, too. "Dunn said 'a particular appeal of the new website is "it doesn't cost the taxpayer anything. What gets me excited about this project is that it shows what you can do when you get the right volunteers together at the right time.'" (April 18, 2004) (not available online)

Town Meeting notes
The Advocate wrote a story about the impact of my Town Meeting notes. "Dunn also presents a dispassionate summation of each meeting, but punctuates his with red letter commentary within each session's notes." (May 29, 2003) http://www.townonline.com/arlington/news/local_regional/

The Globe cited my notes and their effect on Arlington's Baby Safe Haven debate: "The debate and vote, reported the next day by Town Meeting member Dan Dunn in an e-mail forum on the www.livefromarlington.com website, triggered weeks of acrimony between the Morrisseys and Arlington residents." (July 1, 2004) (not available online)

Arlington liquor sales
The Globe quoted my speech from the floor of Town Meeting. "But Daniel Dunn argued the matter ought to be decided by the voters. 'Let the town vote,' he urged." (May 16, 2004) http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2004/05/16/

Arlington Information Technology Committee
The Advocate gave some coverage to the work done creating the new committee. "Every selectmen was supportive of the measure and asked LaCourt and Dan Dunn, another proponent of the committee, to meet with Selectmen Jack Hurd and Mahon, acting Town Manager Nancy Galkowski and Comptroller Ruth Lewis to hammer out the composition of the committee." (January 8, 2004) http://www.townonline.com/arlington/news/local_regional/

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Upcoming Events

Election Day
November 2. Find your polling location. I'm looking for sign-holding volunteers. Please email me at dan@dandunn.org.