Dan Dunn


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Elect Dan Dunn

I'm working to make a smaller, better government. Please vote for me in November. You can read about my positions on issues, some information about me, my press coverage, and how to learn more.



In 1994, the state budget was $15.5 billion. Governor Romney approved a $25B budget this year. Think about what your household income was in 1994. Has it gone up by 60%?

Massachusetts needs to be more careful about how it spends its money.
  • We spend billions on corporate giveaways packaged as “economic stimulus.” We’d get more for our money if we let investors make these decisions, not legislators.
  • We spend further billions to compete with charities - doing good works, but less efficiently and at a higher price.
  • We don’t pay enough attention to public safety. By removing unnecessary drains on our budget, we will be able to make real improvements.

The state government imposes mandates that don't make sense. The mandates are one size fits all, and they don't always fit specific school systems. They impose a financial burden as well - we are forced to pay for programs and paperwork that don't actually help us.

I want to roll back state involvement in education. I want our locally elected School Committee to make decisions for the children of our town.

Insurance Regulation

Our state bureaucracy adds to the cost of health insurance at every turn. Every patient, every practitioner, and every insurer has increased costs. The result is fewer insurance options at a higher price - and more uninsured citizens.

Car insurance is just as hampered. Annually, the state insurance division decides that competition is impossible - and then fulfills its own prophecy by setting prices for the next year. The result is higher prices for all of us.

I want to remove these regulations. We can then make our own decisions about what type of insurance, and what price, is best for our needs.

Civil Service

The state's Civil Service laws have become so corrupted by special interests and exemptions that the state's own Civil Service Commission chairman called the system a "tragedy" that "handcuffs our ability to build a public safety workforce of the best and the brightest."

The Civil Service needs to be reformed. We need the freedom to hire the best and brightest for our safety.

About Me

I've lived in Arlington for 5 years, on Stowecroft Road. I was elected to Town Meeting in 2002. I serve as secretary of the town's Electrical Power Municipalization Study Committee and as a member of the Selectmen's sub-committee to evaluate Arlington's IT/IS planning needs. I'm a graduate of MIT and I work at a software company in Cambridge. I'm an avid Red Sox fan.

You can often find me out enjoying the neighborhood, biking to and from work or walking my dog Grizelda.

Learn More

I'm running for State Representative in the 23rd Middlesex District (Arlington precincts 1, 3, 5-13, 15, 16, 18 and 19; Medford precinct 2 of ward 3, and precincts 1 and 2 of ward 6). The primary is September 14th, and the election is November 2nd.

Contact: Want to learn more? Discuss an issue? Send me an email at dan@dandunn.org or give me a call at 781.641.9884.

Volunteering: Send an email to dan@dandunn.org to be notified of volunteer opportunities.

Donations: Send an email to ei@dandunn.org, or send a check. State law limits donations to $500 per person per year.

Committee to Elect Dan Dunn
63 Stowecroft Road
Arlington, MA 02474

Upcoming Events

Election Day
November 2. Find your polling location. I'm looking for sign-holding volunteers. Please email me at dan@dandunn.org.